Mistake Five - Talking in the Dark

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Cameron awoke to a rapid knocking on his window.

He groggily sat up, squinting through the light illuminating his bedroom. It had been blissful, being asleep, but now reality came back to him in his messy bedroom. He wiped the drool off his cheek and checked the time.


The rattling continued.

He looked over to his window and saw the small figure of a girl hunched over and looking in at him. What would...oh fuck. He forgot to leave his window open. Rushing over he turned off his bedroom light and opened the window, revealing the dimly lit face of a very disgruntled Leja. 

"I am so sorry, I fell asleep after dinner and I completely forgot to leave my window open so you could come in," Cameron whispered as Leja struggled to get inside.

"It's...it's alright. I was just worried you forgot," She landed on her feet, standing up to look at him. "and I almost got caught by your parents coming around the back."

Cameron looked down at her; her eyes were bloodshot and hollowed with dark circles. Her long dark hair was uncombed, and her forehead was filled with worry wrinkles. Her once full and smile-filled cheeks were hollow and cold, and her skin was paper white. She was still in her pajama bottoms and a sweatshirt, which consumed her whole figure. The only thing that even slightly resembled the Leja he once knew was her grandfather's bomber jacket she always wore, covered in patches from his time in the war, hanging loosely off her frame. 

She looked thin, and so, so tired. 

"Are you...are you okay?" The words felt stupid leaving his mouth, but it was the only thing he could muster.

"Not, uh, not really. Obviously." She glanced down at her feet. "Sorry, I probably smell like shit. I haven't showered yet today."

"No, you smell fine," Cameron hesitated, before adding, "Do you want a hug?"

"...Yeah." Her voice cracked, and he pulled her to his chest. 

It was hard, seeing his friend like this. She felt like an entirely new person, the kind of person that people would judge; would talk about. He knew her life wasn't easy, but it still felt like a monumental weight was crashing down on him. Which in contrast, he also felt guilty about. He should just focus on caring for her. Not on how her problems affected him. Because if they did, who really cared?

"Can I take a shower?" Leja mumbled after a few moments, and Cameron realized his shirt was wet from her silent tears.

He checked the time: 11:41. His parents would probably be asleep by now.

"Yeah, of course. Just be quiet about it, okay?"

She nodded and left the room; after a few moments he heard the bathroom door close and lock and the shower turned on. He decided to change out of his school uniform and into a t-shirt and sweatpants. He turned off his light and left his door cracked, before climbing into bed for the second time. There weren't any new notifications on his phone, and Cameron tended to feel annoying texting people first, but he decided to message Luz regardless. 

Cameron: Hey, sorry it's late. Are you up?

To his surprise, Luz responded almost immediately. 

Luz: heyyyy

Luz: youre good dw, whats up?

Cameron: Not much, my friend just came over to sleep over. You?

Luz: camey wamey's got a significant other??  😱

Cameron: Ew, no she's like a sister to me.

Mistakes of a PerfectionistOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora