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Chapter 31

Got into a fight……..

Jiang Tang covered her stomach, because of the pain, her voice was particularly weak, “Sorry, it’s not very convenient for me now. You can ask his father to come over.”

Teacher Liu’s tone revealed a little embarrassment: “We have tried to contact Liangshen’s father, but no one picked up the phone. Children fighting is not a trivial matter, I still hope you can come here in person.”

Jiang Tang closed her eyes and said: “Okay, I will go right now.”

After hanging up the phone, she slowly turned her car and drove into another road. 

Liangshen’s kindergarten is called Changqing Kindergarten. Opposite from it is Changqing Primary School. They are from the same organization. 

Jiang Tang parked the car in the underground garage and dragged her uncomfortable body into the school. 

This is the first time she has come to their school since her transmigration. She walked through the playground and was taken to the office by the teacher who led the way. 

As soon as she entered the door, Jiang Tang saw Lin Liangshen with messy clothes and a few scratches on his face. He stood against the corner of the wall, his small face full of pride not admitting defeat. Jiang Tang shifted her gaze and saw the other two little boys there. Compared to them, Liangshen only suffered small wounds. 

The two boys are tall and fat.There school uniforms have been completely torn apart, the wounds on their arms have been bandaged, and there are blood stains on their faces and bodies. They are shrinking behind their parents, sobbing and sniffing.

Jiang Tang was shocked and could not believe her eyes that Liangshen, this bastard able to beat others.

She calmed herself down and walked to the teacher: “Hi, I am Lin Liangshen’s mother.”

Not waiting for Liangshen to speak, the two parents dragged their children to Jiang Tang, and one of the mothers stared at Jiang Tang, yelling sharply: “Look at the good thing your son has done! How do you educate your children? See how badly he beat my child into.” 

The man also responded: “If you don’t give us an explanation, there will be no end for this!”

As they said, the two children wailed loudly again. 

Jiang Tang held back her upset, and looked at the young teacher in front of her: “Can you tell me what’s going on?”

Teacher Liu is not pretty, but she has a delicate face and her petite body is easy to earn sympathy from people having desire to protect her. She looked at Jiang Tang for a few moments, feeling the gorgeous beauty of this woman’s presence.

Teacher Liu calmed her mind and said softly: “The three children fought in the playground before the class started. The students who witnessed it said Liangshen started it. I asked Liangshen but he refused to say anything.”

At this time, Liangshen coldly snorted, lifted up his small face full of disdain.

“Look at this shameful thing!” One of the victims mother was enraged, pointing at his nose and began to curse, “Just at a first sight, I can tell that he is not educated. Only at this young age, he already beat people. Wait until he grows up, he will certainly be a scourge!”

Her words are indeed right.

Lin Liangshen indeed turned out to be a disaster when he grew up, a great disaster.