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Chapter 65

The dim light reflected on Chu Yi’s fair and delicate face. He put down the skewer and looked at Liangshen: “I saw a white deer in the woods today. It looked very beautiful.”

White deer?

Liangshen’s ears raised up and became interested.

“What white deer?”

“It’s like the kind of fairy deer in the cartoon. I wonder if it’s still there.” As he said, he sighed regretfully. 

Liangshen bit his lip, and his heart itchy. 

How beautiful is a fairy-like deer? If he could see it with his own eyes, it would make Liang Liang very envious of him. But the woods were a little far from here, he didn’t dare to go alone. He thought about it again….it’s to come out, if he misses this time opportunity, he may not be able to see it again in the future…

“Fairy deer like to drink sweet things. If you use honey to lure it, it will come out.”

Lianghsen’s eyes lit up but dimmed in the next second: “But….I dare not.”

The woods were pitch-dark. Even if he yearned for fairy deer, he’s more afraid of the darkness with no one around. 

Chu Yi looked at him and said: “You can go with Xia Lou. Didn’t you push her today? It’s a good opportunity to reconcile.”

Liangshen frowned: “I don’t want to….”

Chu Yi said: “Qian Qian has already made up with her, what is there for you to be upset about? Not to mention, the big boy shouldn’t argue with a girl. Didn’t Mama tell us to be magnanimous?” 


Liangshen can’t avoid the word “magnanimous.”

Chu Yi is right. As a man, he should be magnanimous and shouldn’t quibble over a small thing with a little girl.

“Well, I’ll listen to you.” Liangshen picked up a bottle of honey and walked up to Xia Lou anxiously. His white teeth lightly bit his rosy lower lip, and his small hand gently pulled the corner of Xia Lou’s clothes. The little girl’s gaze suddenly swept over.

Liangshen’s heart was rushing and hesitantly said: “About, today….”

Xia Lou: “Humph.” She rolled her eyes at him and turned her head away.

Liangshen: “…….”

Feeling wronged.

He couldn’t help but turn to look at his older brother and saw him giving him an encouraging look.

“I- I’m going to see the fairy deer, would you like to come with me?”

Xia Lou blinked her eyes and immediately turned her head back: “Where is the fairy deer?”

Liangshen looked around and stretched his hands to cover her mouth. He whispered: “It’s in the wood behind us. I’m bringing honey, we will definitely be able to lure it out.”

Xia Lou pressed her lips and thought about it for a moment: “Let’s go then.”


After reaching the agreement, Liangshen quickly went to Jiang Tang in high spirits: “Mama, Xia Lou and I are going to play at the river, we will be back soon.”

The river is crowded with people and brightly lit, she can easily see them once she looks up. She thought about it, it’s a good opportunity for him to make up with Xia Lou, so Jiang Tang nodded: “Just for a while.”