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Chapter 55

Jiang Tang was led to the backstage room of the aquarium. She thought that this kind of event would be attended by a lot of people, but only four people participated.

The event planner that brought her in awkwardly explained: “Most of the women are afraid of their makeup removed when entering the water and men dislike wearing mermaid dresses, especially when they hear the first winner will have close interaction with Li Changfeng, they are even more unwilling….”

Jiang Tang nodded. She finally got it. 

After all, people nowadays don’t like to cause trouble for themselves and love to have good decency, thus for the sake of the toys is not worth it. Even if winning the first prize to get the autograph of an unknown star is not worth it.

“Ma’am, you are very brave for participating.”

After giving Jiang Tang an encouraging look, he opened the door: “Let change the clothes first, and specialize staff will show you safety training later.”

The room is not big, the walls are filled with mermaid costumes and accessories. In the middle is the dressing table. The makeup artist is dressing up today’s mermaid performer.

Jiang Tang has seen underwater performances before. Those girls swinging in water in their tails looking so beautiful and full of confidence, but the hard work they put in behind the scenes is far from normal people could imagine.

“Because the activities involve water, you may have to remove your makeup.”

“No problem.”

She sat on the chair, and the makeup artist began to remove her makeup.

Since coming into this world, Jiang Tang rarely puts on full makeup. Relying on her natural beauty, she often only applied sunscreen and lipstick before going out and today is no exception.

The makeup artist who removed Jiang Tang’s makeup was surprised to see her glowy skin was actually naturally without any powder. Upon closer inspection, she found it was very delicate.

So damn beautiful!

The makeup artist sighed inwardly, looked at the delicate woman in the mirror, and asked softly: “Ma’am, do you mind having no makeup?”


“Our theme this time is environmental protection which is required to have close contact with the ocean, and we want to be as natural as possible.”

“Sure.” She replied with pleasure, “My face looks good without makeup anyway.”


The lady has a high self-confidence in her beauty. 

She untied Jiang Tang’s hairband, and her long hair scattered like thick seaweeds behind her back, making her face even more alluring. The makeup artist had fantasized about the beauty of a mermaid when she was a child, but nowhere near the person in front of her.

After a little touched up, Jiang Tang was taken to the training pool.

The professional trainer earnestly explained to her the instructions and safety details. After simple training, Jiang Tang changed into the Mermaid Costume that had been prepared in advance.

It was a dark blue mermaid skirt with exquisite lines and flashy silver dark patterns embroidered on it.  Her full round breasts were covered by the seashell-shaped bra, revealing her slender waist and enchanting body.

The staff at the scene stared at her in a daze for a long time before handing her underwater goggles.

After the preparations were completed, Jiang Tang was ready to go into the water.