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Bjorn always had father issues.

His dad is a great man. He was the general of the kingdom's military army. He led the kingdom to many victories, including the most recent war when a neighboring country attempted to take over one of Aragon's borders.

Bjorn was never close to his father as a child until now. He was left with his mother as an only child while his father was away most of the time. And even when his father was at home, he never really had time to spend with Bjorn, since battles are never-ending.

"How is the princess?" Bjorn's father asked as he sipped from a cup of tea. He sat across from Bjorn at the office where Bjorn currently stays at. This was the previous office of his father, back when he was just a captain.

Rows of trophies were sitting on the shelves, and medals hung on the wall. A reminder of his past victories. At the corner of the room was an armored stand with his father's previous chest plate that had a massive pit caving inward at the center of its chest.

"She's fine," Bjorn said, "as usual."

"You should open up more to her. She's your fiancé," his father reminded him. "We all know how she begged to marry you back when you were thirteen and she was just ten."

"You should never have never agreed to it."

"Philos is my closest friend," Bjorn's father placed down the cup of tea and looked around his old office, "we were close even back then when he was just a prince and I was the captain."

"What do I have to do with that? Tatiana is someone I don't want to marry," he said distastefully. Every time he says the princess' name, there is always a bitter taste on his tongue. He will never love someone so cruel.

"You should be more understanding and kinder to her, son. You know that you are the only one she fully trusts and opens up to."

"I don't want to be involved with her. She's not a good person. And she hurts everyone around her, including me."

Bjorn always hated the fact that Tatiana was always chasing him. At first, he found it cute, but as time passed, the princess became even more obsessive and mean. She would drive other people away from Bjorn just to keep him all to herself.

"You still have years to go before the wedding. Maybe you could work things out."


"Tatiana will be turning sixteen soon. She will need a personal knight." Bjorn was caught off guard by his father's change of topic. "As offensive as it may seem, I do not trust the queen."

"Father, you could be arrested if someone else heard that," Bjorn warned him. Topics about the queen, especially if they come from the people of the court, are prohibited and are subjected to punishment.

Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now