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Bjorn jumped from above the pillars and landed in front of Tatiana.

"You knew?" he asked her. He had been following her around even when she got lost but he didn't try to get in her way since she might hate him even more. He knew that Tatiana won't be able to take on these boys who were bigger than her that's why he was up the pillar and observed them, waiting for the time that he needed to step in.

Tatiana didn't even look at him. Her fear-struck eyes were glued to the children.

"Just help me save them," she mumbled in a shaky breath. "Please save them"

Bjorn stared at her and closed his eyes.

"Very well, then."

Shortly after, everything happened in a flash. With Bjorn's swift movements, the boys were found lying on the floor and unconscious. He then came back to Tatiana like nothing happened his face remained plain and uninterested.

Tatiana who was frozen to her spot was finally able to move and came running towards the children. She kneeled before them, getting mud and dirt on her dress. She examined the boy first then the girl.

"You need to get checked," she said while examining the young boy's wound. "You got hit in the head, something might go wrong."

She looked at Bjorn's direction and called him, "hurry, help me carry the boy and take him to the nearest doctor. I'll carry the girl."

Bjorn stayed silent and walked towards them. Without any sound, he picked both the boy and the girl easily into his arms.

"I-I said I'll take care of the girl," Tatiana said meekly.

"Just carry your stuff," Bjorn nodded at the basket placed neatly at the corner. Tatiana was shocked when she saw the basket that she dropped. She immediately picked it up and followed Bjorn.

"The boy is fine, there are no internal damages," the local physician said. "But both of the children are extremely malnourished, their immune system is also low which makes them more prone to getting sick. I advise that they are cared for and stay here for a few more days."

Tatiana nodded and sighed in relief. She looked over at Bjorn and looked back at the doctor.

"My friend will be looking after them after this. He will take charge with the payment and if you have any concerns or if you need anything, don't hesitate to tell him."

"Money isn't the problem here. The children just need to eat properly and take care of themselves. Once they get better and leave,

they will go back to being malnourished. The orphanage that they belong to is a lost cause, the orphans there stray away and beg people for scraps of food. Unless they change, many orphans will still be loitering around and be picked on my bigger kids."

Bjorn looked down on the princess's expression. Her forehead was in a permanent crease and she looked very disappointed. He watched her look over the at the children's direction with a worried expression.

"Even in this world," she whispered to herself. She looked back at Bjorn with a questioning look. Bjorn already knew what she wanted to say but was containing herself.

"I'll have my men look at it." Bjorn was the captain of the knights. He holds a position even higher than a duke and is considered to be in the same status as the princess as of now but he immediately succumbs to what she wants even though she didn't even say it yet.

"Thank you," she breathed and walked over to the children. The smaller kid who turned out to be only four years old woke up crying and looking for her brother and Tatiana immediately went to her care and cradled her gently in her arms to calm her down.

"Your brother is here, don't worry." She whispered with a soothing voice and patted the girl's back until she fell back asleep. After lying her down, she went to the bed beside the girl to check on the boy.

The boy had a bandage around his forehead because of the injury. He still hasn't woken up yet but Tatiana thinks that it's better for the boy to get some rest.

It was late in the afternoon when Tatiana and Bjorn left the physician's house. Tatiana rode a carriage back to the palace gates while Bjorn rode his horse and travel alongside the carriage to make sure she gets home safely.

They walked silently, side by side up to the back door of the palace. Tatiana felt embarrassed and didn't know what to tell Bjorn.

"You shouldn't do that again," Bjorn told her, "if something happens to you, the people who serve you will die."

"I know," Tatiana mumbled, looking down on her basket, "I won't do it again."

Silence washed over them for a few seconds when Bjorn decided to speak up.

"I will get going then, the knights will be looking for me," he told her and bowed respectfully. He turned his heel and walked away for a few steps when Tatiana called him.

"Bjorn, wait," Tatiana called out, it was weird calling out his name in a tone where she isn't angry.

Bjorn felt something when he heard his name being called. He immediately turned around as if he was hypnotized by it.

The princess jogged towards him and handed over a small box.

"I bought a music box for Emma, then I remembered you," she said, "I hope this will help with your insomnia and nightmares. I also wanted to say sorry for yelling at you earlier and a thank you for following me and keeping me safe back there."

She did not wait for a reply and ran towards the door shutting it from the inside. The day was long and her knees finally gave in. So much happened in just one day.

Meanwhile. Bjorn stood frozen outside while looking down at the small box that was given to her by the princess. He always received gifts from her but he would always give or throw it away without even opening it. This gift was somehow different.

"But how did she know that I have insomnia and nightmares?"



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now