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Tatiana did not expect her fiancé to do this.

She woke up this morning with Emma shaking her and telling her that she did not have to worry about the location and building of the orphanage. Tatiana could not believe it at first but when the sleepiness was slowly starting to wear off, the reality dawned on her.

She wore a commoner outfit, an off-shoulder long-sleeved partlet with embroidered cuffs and a long maroon dress that was laced in front of the bodice. She also wore a half cloak draped around her shoulders. Her hair was braided so it would not be sticking up in every direction and she also passed wearing accessories except a ruby ring that was from her late mother.

"Your highness, are you sure that you do not need me to come with you?" William asked while Emma and Tatiana are busy packing their bags to go to the location. His shoulders drooped down low and felt envious that he won't be able to go with them.

It is an exciting and important day for the princess and he won't be there to help her through it. He also noticed Elliot, who was standing beside him with drooping shoulders. It looks like he is not the only one who is sad about not going to the capital.

"Come now, Emma, we're running late. I don't want Bjorn to yell at me for being so tardy." Tatiana's heart was beating fast and it was not even from the excitement. She feels like Bjorn will scold her again for being late and decides not to go with her to the property.

All four of them went running down the hall with the things needed. Poor William was panting and Elliot was stumbling on the carpet. Emma was starting to get used to running since the princess ran all the time. It was very difficult at first but she had no choice but to get used to it.

"Is-Is that sir William?" one of the workers asked. They somehow thought of the power the princess holds that even Sir William and the young prince are running down the palace hallway because of her.

They finally arrived at the palace entrance and saw Bjorn riding on a black horse. Morgan was there was well and the carriage prepared for them. Even from afar, Tatiana felt like there was a dark aura surrounding the captain.

"I'm sorry!" Tatiana panted, holding on to the carriage door. Her face was as red as a tomato and the cloak was not helping her with the heat. "Did-did you wait long?"

"Good morning, your highness." Morgan bowed his head in respect but Tatiana was still panting so she just waved her hand as a greeting.

Bjorn looked down on her and shook his head in disappointment. She is such a mess, he thoughts, there is no way that he would have unnecessary emotions for her.

"Will I see home next week?" Elliot asked, "I'll miss you!"

Tatiana gave Elliot a pat on the shoulder and smiled, "I'll buy capital stuff for you."

Elliot's face brightened up and nodded in agreement. A week feels like it will be a long week when Tatiana is not there but keeping her in the palace won't make her happy. It will be a week that the princess will treasure because it will be a start at making her plans move in motion.

The king assigned Bjorn and Morgan to guard the princess. It was supposed to be at least twenty knights but Tatiana complained saying that it would bring attention when she's supposed to hide her identity. Her father had told her that no one should know about her plan, not until it successfully opened because it will drive controversy in the kingdom and critics will not stay still.

Aragon is not a fan of education for women and their view about men and women having equal rights to education is not that good, especially when commoners are granted these benefits. The nobles will not stand still when they discover what the princess is up to.

Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now