Chapter Two

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My plan failed. It had been more than a few minutes and I hadn't ditched St. Claire to find Melissa. Instead, I was very comfortable on the sofa and loosened up, listening to him in awe and amusement.

"No way!" I said with a wide smile.

Graham laughed and nodded. "I swear."

"That's not possible." I moved, so I was facing him. Graham's arm was around the back of the sofa. His fingers brushed my arm, distracting me from time to time. It was hard to pay attention a couple of times when his fingers were doing wonderful things to my skin.

Alcohol had eased me enough that I wasn't as jittery around his closeness anymore. I remained settled but still paid close attention to his hands. I liked the mindless caress.

"I promise it is very possible. I'm a witness." He smiled wide. "In fact, I'm a victim."

I finally understood what all girls gushed about Graham's smile., it seriously was melting. I was having a harder time looking at anything but his alluring lips.

"But, how?" I questioned.

Graham had been telling me funny and embarrassing stories for the past hour. I was having the time of my life. Each story turned funnier but more unbelievable. The guy was seventeen, there was no way he had gone through that much.

"Told you, we got lost and decided to pay attention to a very drunk Jackson," He explained again. He had repeated the story twice now, and I was still questioning him about every detail. I liked his patience. "Next thing we knew, we were stuck in the mud and the car was sinking."

I snorted. "That only happens in movies."

"I have photos and videos to prove it." He shifted to grab his phone, causing our bodies to move closer. Something in my chest jumped. From here, I could smell his cologne and it was fantastic.

He unlocked the phone, searched through his photos, and showed them to me. I covered my mouth.

"Jenkins had the wonderful idea of getting into the mud to try and push the car back out. He only managed to get his clothes dirty. I told him I wouldn't allow him back in the car in that state. So, he had to remove his clothes and ride in the back. Naked."

I gaped and laughed.

"We left his clothes back there. A little souvenir."

I giggled.

"When we left him at his place, he told us his mother was awake, waiting for him."

I covered my face as I laughed harder.

Poor Jenkins.

My stomach hurt from laughing so hard, I had to place a hand on it.

"Please, no more. My stomach aches."

Graham smiled, pleased at my reaction. He looked insanely handsome when he was at ease and amused. Then, his eyes moved from my eyes to my lips for a long second. I wondered if he was going to kiss me. I had been wondering a lot of things tonight. Unlike previous moments, I didn't jump to put distance between us. I was starting to see what Melissa was talking about when she proposed finding someone new to hook up with. It felt nice to interest someone like Graham St. Claire. It felt surreal. It boosted your ego like nothing else. Like, wow, you managed to get his attention and interest.

"Any funny stories, Miller?" Graham broke the moment.

I raised my eyebrows. "You mean embarrassing stories?"

"Absolutely. Those are the funniest ones."

I scrunched my nose. "Not necessarily. There are some cringing ones."

"I'm all ears."

"I...I actually don't have any. Or I don't remember any, at least," I confessed, a bit ashamed. I wasn't reckless like him.

Graham seemed shocked by the news. "Seriously? Is it because you're embarrassed and won't tell me? Because after this story, we are practically best friends. I swore to Jenkins I wouldn't tell this story to anyone. I even showed you the videos. Come on."

I smiled.

"I thought we were past the shame. Come on, Miller. It doesn't have to be the most embarrassing one."

It was fair. He had been entertaining me for the entire night, serving me nice drinks, and telling me amusing stories.

However, I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't think of one. "I'm serious. I don't think I have any embarrassing stories."

Graham's intense eyes studied me for a second, his eyes narrowing. "Not possible."

I shrugged. "I've been a good girl, trying to avoid bad situations."

Graham shook his head in disapproval. "We need to fix that. Stick around and you'll have an interesting story by the end of the night."

My stomach fluttered as I swallowed and looked at Graham. It felt like he was talking about something else, though I couldn't figure out what exactly.

Despite that, I replied, "I hope so." As my heart pounded. 

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