Chapter Three

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Graham and I had been talking for about two hours before we were interrupted by my need to pee. It was uncomfortable laughing hard while needing to release your bladder.

I moved to stand up and my world shifted.


My head spun for a second before I realized I was tipsy or even drunk, and that Graham wasn't mistaken. The fruity taste of cocktail number 1 along with his favorite cocktail was perfect for making anyone drunk without noticing. It had all been a smooth transition.

"Careful there." Graham shot from his seat next to me and grabbed my waist, keeping me firm on the ground. Even though the alcohol had dulled my senses, Graham's massive hands were notorious in my body. They felt like anchors, unmovable and heavy. "Where are you going?"

He towered over me, and I had to throw my head back to glance at him. I didn't realize he was this tall. I knew he was huge, but I'd never been this close to him before to notice the different heights between us. Not only that, but his huge muscles made me feel even smaller. And his cologne, his very delicious cologne had me entranced. I hadn't pinpointed what it was yet, but my nose had been having a field trip.

"Bathroom," I answered.

I started to move before Graham's big paws stopped me. He had an amused face plastered on his face. "Do you even know where the bathroom is?"

Good question. I did not.

I smiled at him. "Nope."

He chuckled while shaking his head. His massive hands left my waist to grab one of my hands instead, interlocking our fingers before tugging me after him. "Come on, Miller. Bathroom is this way."

I trailed after him, amazed at how small my hand was in his. His large fingers stuck to my knuckles and they even had muscles.

Was that even possible? I wasn't sure but was willing to study his hands for further understanding.

We moved across the first floor through throngs of bodies. If it wasn't for our laced hands, I would have been left behind.

The bathroom was on the other side of the house and there was a long line. I wanted to curse but stopped myself since I didn't curse, not even drunk.

I needed the release and pronto.

Graham must have noticed my impatience and little, silly dance since he dragged me toward the stairs with a tender smile.

"Where are we going?" I asked him.

"There's a bathroom upstairs," He answered over his shoulder. "No line. Jackson only allows a few people to get to the upper floor."

My balance was bad at that moment since I took three steps onto the stairs and almost fell down. Thankfully, I was with someone who used his reflexes on each football game and Graham managed to stabilize me before I rolled off like a sack of potatoes.

His paws landed on my hips again. His large fingers extended across my hips and brushed the upper part of my butt. It made my heart stutter and my cheeks blush. No one had touched me this intimate. Not even Jacob.

Especially Jacob.

He had incredible willpower and though we had dated for three years, we'd only made out and he had brushed my tit once, over my bra and shirt. He wanted to wait until marriage, seeing how he wanted to become a priest. He proclaimed it was better not to be tempted, so whenever our make-out sessions turned a bit heated, he retreated like a gentleman and prayed.

Most of the time, I didn't mind. I felt respected and loved for my mind instead of my body. However, I couldn't deny numerous times I wanted Jacob to lose control and give in.

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