Chapter 6

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A few people from the town came to meet Mrs. Morgan and Mr. Louis. Margot explained that they would need their help to rid this mayor. He was not only hurting Margot but the other's businesses as well. He was crooked and he needed to be overturned. The city needed a new mayor. The people at the meeting agreed and also agreed to help the gunslinger overthrow the mayor and his goons. Jean would need to train the few able bodies to shoot and fight. He explained he had to show them years of experience in only a few days. Any longer and the mayor would most likely find out what they were doing. The few days of training were hectic.

It was past midnight around the small joint. The owner kept his eyes scanning the area every 10 minutes before he lit a candle right next to the window to let the others know. The angel of death was behind the joint. He kept his guard up the whole hour, barely blinking or paying attention to anything else. Mrs. Morgan and Emma were already inside. They would normally stay away from such places but that was perfect for their meeting. Emma's wit and intelligence was the main key to gathering up some people. She wouldn't let her employer take the risk or trust the wrong person. Emma was sharp and could look at their intentions so easily. She spoke with some locals, the ones that mattered to decide this; the doctor, the newbie journalist that arrived in town just two weeks ago, the preacher's wife and teacher, and one of the local hookers. The meeting was small, only ten chairs were placed around the tables in the hope for others to come. right in the middle of the table sat a bottle of whatever strong liquor they had on hand as well as a pitcher of water. The joint owner also insisted on getting canned peaches, just to make the meeting more important.

All of them sneaked into the joint between spaced times, some overlapped but they tried not to make much fuss about it. Jean was not very comfortable with large meetings, he would stay at the back door and listen to the first words while smoking pre-rolled. He would decide later whether to step in or not before Mrs. Morgan asks him for it. Margot took a deep breath once everyone took their seats around the tables. According to her education, it was always the man that would start the conversation, sweeten up things, and explain the scenario, but Jean refused to start the speech. He was just a hired gun, people would recognize him or not, but most towns had issues with gunslingers. Emma looked back at her employer and took her hand just to support her. Margot gave her a faint smile and then addressed them to their companions.

"Evening everyone. I would like to thank you all for coming." She said,

"Most of you are here because of our situation with the current Major. We know he won't be looking for the interests of this town when his main focus is to fill his pockets. This small community here in this great city of New Orleans has all potential to grow but with men like him in power, it's impossible. I believe we should call out his behavior and get a new major, a fair one."

"Like who? You, ma'am?" One of the random guests spoke from the back.

"Not exactly, that's why we are all here, to decide" Margot replied

"The Major has some hired guns, ma'am. They might be against it, and God save us, they might come after us or whoever conspires." another spoke.

"True, but he ain't going if we do nothing." The grumpy doctor spoke. The young journalist started to scribble all the words that came from her mouth. Sometimes his pen made so much noise that Emma threw him murderous glares to make him stop.

"We can't sit idly by any longer. My business as well as yours are all at stake not to mention the innocent people who get in his way. He is using us. The mayor just wants to gather business for himself and run you out of town or make it impossible to work without his or his people's help. Norman Travis and his railroad partners from New York intended on owning this great city like they do all the others that run along down from New York. The port of New Orleans is a main notch in the belt." Emma explained,

"Why can't we just call the law?" One asked.

"He owns the law," Emma added.

"What about a marshal? He doesn't own them." The doctor asked.

"Who knows, he might. We don't know how deep his pockets go. Plus, there aren't any marshals around these parts. It would take weeks to get word to one. Not to mention if they would believe us and come to our aid."

"Do what you want, but I'm gonna find a marshal. Call me a coward, but I know what a bullet does to a man or woman. I had to cut off limbs in the war." The old doctor stood up and hobbled out of the business.

"This Mayor has taken over the town but Magot's family was supposed to run the town..." the young journalist added.

"I did my research and your father was the one elected madam." The bombshell of truth ricocheted throughout the quiet room.

"If that is true, and we have a fair election and I am elected, then I will do my best to run this city. For you all and the honor of my father."

"Still doesn't resolve the issue with Mayor Travis and his horrible men." the one prostitute spoke up.

"That is why we have asked Mr. Louis here to handle that."

"Even if he is as good as they claim he is, there are a lot of hired hands to fight off." The journalist added. Margot sighed deeply and glanced back at Jean. He could tell she was running out of patience and answers to their questions. These few that showed up would be more of a hindrance than a help to him. Jean stood up and approached the table.

"You let me worry about them. What I need for you all is to help me acquire a few things."

"Anything you need Mister, it is yours."

"For one, I need to know the exact amount in this mayor's gang. A head count of his men as well as house staff. I also need a layout of his Manson and a time schedule of his coming and going."

"So you want us to spy for you?" The prostitute asked.

"Yes. If everyone could compose that information for me, it would help greatly. I also need gunpowder and dynamite." He added.

"For what purpose?" Margot asked.

"I am still figuring that part out." Jean confessed.

"So that means we are dismissed?" One asked. Jean nodded towards them as they all slowly rose from their seats and exited the building. Margot was worried and it showed clearly on her face.

"I hope you have a plan mister," Emma said.

"Honestly I am just trying to figure everything out. I can't risk those folks' lives any more than I have. This is my fight. I was paid to be a hired gun and I will do that to the 

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