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(So I think it's best if I say all of Izuku's quirks so it makes everything much easier!).

1. Advanced telekinesis: it allows the user to move matter with their mind or hands,

Drawbacks: is that it makes him a little dizzy if used to much.

2. Telekinetic construction: it allows the user to create shields, weapons, objects and etc with their aura.

Drawbacks: it takes energy away from the user so the user must have plenty of sleep, energy bars, and anything that makes the user regain energy.

3.Flight/levitation: it allows the user levitate off the ground.

Drawbacks: none

4. Angels breath: it allows the user to heal anyone the user wants

Drawbacks: it can make the person sleepy if used to much

5. Alien god: it allows me to have the power of, starbolts, super strength, and laser eyes.

Drawbacks: none

6. Elements: it allows the user to control elements which include water, fire, air, and earth.

Drawbacks: the user is not able to create the elements on its own.

Also izuku must mediate a lot to keep his powers under control, (Raven is my fav character so I'm trying to give him a Raven vibe)

The Test subject 008: izuku midoriya (experiment deku)Where stories live. Discover now