Chapter 26

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The Easton Special
I wake up in our HQ office for the fourth night in a row. Ever since we found cameras and microphones in our house a few weeks ago, we've been on high alert. Maddox and I knew our father was watching us. We had something he wanted. We also knew he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. Our father was a lot of things, but a quitter was not one of them.

In any sense.

I sit up from my office chair that I slept in and try to smooth my suit out. Just as it starts to look presentable again the door to the office opens and Maddox steps in. He's been here with me the whole time trying to find our father and keep our house safe. If there were cameras in there that meant our father, or someone who worked for him, had managed to get in. Maddox and I are pretty much keeping the house on lockdown. We know who comes out and who goes in so this was extremely irritating.

"C'mon let's go. We have to find him," Maddox says, referring to our father.

I made no effort to move. I just needed five more minutes. We've been bossing people around for days, and Maddox is reaching his point. He's been shooting anyone who hasn't impressed him with their skills. As much as I want to find our dead beat father, we can't do that if all of our men are in the hospital with gun shot wounds. It just wasn't ethical.

"How about we take a break and go home. We can send Brandon in and you can get some sleep and take a shower," I say.

I know he's not going to like it, but I have to get the idea in his head somehow. He's stubborn as fuck. Always has been.

"Are you fucking joking? That man breaks into our home and spies on our family and you want to stop looking for him?"

He sends a deadly glare my way.

I cross my arms and stand my ground, "How are we supposed to look for him when our whole base is out because you keep shooting them?"

He doesn't say anything, but the glare never leaves his face.

"I'll call Colby and Brand and then we'll go home."

Colby is our bodyguard and all around help. He's technically third in command but i'd trust him with my life. I'd trust him with my family's lives.

I send a quick text his way before starting to pack up our bags. I put some files into Maddox's bag but he grabs my wrist to stop me.

"No. No, I have to stay here and find him. I have to keep them safe."

"You can't keep them safe if you aren't functioning properly. Besides it's time to go see them. We've been away for long enough," I say.

Brandon and Colby are already on their way, so I want to get out as soon as possible. I don't want my younger siblings home alone for too long. You can never be too careful. I finish packing our bags and hand him his before trying to get a sleep deprived Maddox out of the door.

"Am I a good brother?"

I look at him like he's crazy but then I remember he's insanely tired and that's when he starts speaking his mind. Otherwise he never would and I would just have to try to read it and guess, which I also do.

"You're a great brother," I assure him before leading him out of our office and locking it behind me.

"No, I mean to our younger ones. Was I good to them? Did we do a good job?"

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