Chapter 46

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Jolene's day of delivery was drawing near.

Gilrack still couldn't believe that she had come back to him, not only kindly and with open arms but still carrying their young. He had been sure he'd destroyed everything in his moment of madness. Her poor body had already been under enough stress without proper fresh meat, and then that dead-eyed one...

He curtailed that thought and focused on the fact that his mate was near, knelt beside him, her belly gently rounded. Her body held his eggs so well. One could barely tell she was pregnant at all, though he partially wished she did show more. A pregnant female was a beautiful thing, not that he needed her to be more beautiful than she already was. She'd already driven him to complete madness once.

Shamelessly, he pressed his face to her stomach, taking advantage of her compassion. He'd already eaten enough to gain back some of his strength, but he couldn't pass off this glorious dream of being cared for by her. He could almost pretend that she returned his love, that she accepted him, and that they were both eagerly awaiting the arrival of their young. He didn't know if she had prepared a nest yet, not knowing her state, so just in case he made sure that his own was ready. He'd even found extra blankets and cushions. Their eggs, however many there were, would be safe and warm.

The smooth firmness of her belly against his cheek filled him with ecstasy. Surely, surely she wouldn't be too upset at such a happy, beautiful surprise. Surely a female so kind, motherly, and loving would be delighted to have been given young.

The only problem was that they'd be his young. She'd call him 'friend.' Maybe that could be satisfactory enough? Having the young of a friend or ally was much more welcoming than a stranger.

He could only hope. Desperately and unreasonably, but he had to. He couldn't face such possible heaven and live without hoping. He'd already visited that hopeless place. He'd already laid himself down to die once before.

It was either hope or die, and so far, Jo didn't seem to want him dead.

"Jo," he rumbled against her beautiful rounded stomach.

"That tickles!" she giggled.

Oh, what a sound. It was like the divine being's version of a purr almost, except tinkling like chime stones.

Her hand ran down his mane, small and soft. Some of her palm rubbed against the base of his horns, making him melt like puddy with pleasure.

"You like that?"

He liked everything she did. He'd take anything she was willing to give. For a minute he let himself imagine their young, freshly hatched and delicate in those soft hands of hers.


Then he saw those young, delicate things in the white, cold, and lifeless tunnels of the divine being's and felt his purrs still. At the same time, his mate began to speak in a low tone.

"I've been meaning to tell you this, but...we've all agreed you can't stay here anymore. It's not good for you. You need to go back to your world."

Every part of him stilled, like prey before the predator.

"Do not know controls," he tried.

"I know you're lying."

The tip of his tail curled like a child caught by their parent.

"I...I want to stay with you," he had to struggle to form the words on his tongue. Panic had stuck her long claws into his back and his raw instincts had coiled up, readying to pounce.

"I know," she said softly.

No, she didn't. She didn't know the half of it.

In a desperate attempt to keep his instincts at bay (he couldn't afford to have them take over again), he wrapped his arms about her middle till all he could feel and smell was her and her young.

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