Chapter 72

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Gilrack's dream-like heaven came crashing down the moment he drifted down from the nest after two weeks of not stepping out once. He had in his mind to get out into the sky, fly a bit, find something extra meaty for his mate, all pleasant, sweet thoughts, soured when his green brood brother opened his mouth.

"Rikek returned ten days ago. Mother and Father didn't tell you to not disrupt your instincts after the hatching of your young."

Gilrack stared at Hochak, waiting for him to drop the most important information, even though he could already read the answer in his shrunken pupils and still tail.

"He has wings."

Gilrack didn't move for some moments, tasting the knowledge slowly in his mind. He knew this could likely happen. It was either this or death. While he had always had an unwanted rivalry with Rikek and had begrudged him for a good deal of his miseries growing up, he hadn't wanted him dead. Before Jolene, he'd even wanted for his success, because it meant Gilrack would be left alone on the edges of the cavern like he wanted. But now...

It was either him or Rikek. As Rikek had always intended.

Hochak's ears were low.

"I think I should stay with you from now on," he said quietly. "Just in case."

The chill plain of his mind thawed slightly. He made a low, thankful rumble.

"You would prefer me as chief over Rikek?"

"You are my brood brother."

"He is your brother too."

"I like you better."

Gilrack chuckled.

"You've taken care of tunnel duty?" he asked.

Hochak nodded. "I was overdue for a break anyway."

An understatement, as Hochak hogged all the entrance shifts to himself. He had a love for the fresh air that bordered on need that many of their people did not.

"Well, you're in luck. I need to hunt." He gave his brother a crooked smile before remembering this wasn't Jolene. He didn't need to pull up the corners of his mouth. "Would you like to fly?"

Both Hochak's tail and ears perked up, even as he tittered that no male could suffer their dignity by being carried by another like a youngling.

Even so, he all by vibrated the moment they were outside and climbed up to a high cliff point without asking.

Yes, any of his other brothers, and even a good number of sisters, would have been too embarrassed to be lifted into the sky by Gilrack, no matter how curious they were about flight. But this was Hochak. Hochak, the lover of sky and trees.

The grim reality of Rikek's return was pushed to the back of his mind as he took hold of his brood brother and kicked off into the air. His brother was heavier than Jolene, but not by much. It was enough that he started off high enough to glide over the forest.

Hochak yipped and yelled in delight, spreading his arms out like they were wings themselves.

"This is amazing! I need some of THIS! I'm gonna climb the mountain next!"

"Please don't."

"I'm gonna climb and jump and get me some WINGS!"

"You'll die."

"I'm gonna FLLLLYYYYY!!!!"

Yeah. There was a reason Hochak was his favorite.

Hochak, despite being the best in the woods, turned out to be useless in finding any prey. He was too busy scaring everything off with his whooping and hollering to even look. So Gilrack eventually had to return him to the entrance, pouting like a child, so that he could go off on his own to find something.

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