Chapter 66

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Days passed as I liked them best: quiet and uneventful. I really was made out to be some old lady living on a little farm far away from civilization. I painted, I did some math on some of the problems that seemed to be going on in the resources area of the kingdom, I practiced my Vetanese with Horack, Gilrack's father. I was introduced to Shatit's other mates, who didn't say much and were just as wide-eyed and flummoxed by me as everyone else I'd met. While it was expected of me to want to hole up while the eggs were incubating, I could see myself hiding away even once the eggs were hatched. I did not like being ogled at. Not one bit.

Despite my disconnection from Vetas civilization as a whole, it was actually rare when I was left in the royal nest alone. While Gilrack was gone hunting or training, Horack and Shatit took turns keeping me company. Horack was the quieter of the two and would more often than not just sit next to the entrance and keep vigil. Otherwise he was by the eggs, dozing lightly with one eye half-open. Shatit, on the other hand, was all gabble and cooing. She took any chance she got to hug an egg or fuss over my hair. The constant grooming made me feel like a gorilla in a line of grooming. They were really into the hair.

One time I asked if there was a chance they could make me some fake horns or a tail and she chuckled at that.

"Little mother, you're perfect the way you are."

"But I hate standing out."

"Standing out is not a bad thing."

I was finally beginning to understand why Gilrack clashed with his mother so much. She moved to her own beat and no one else's.

Gilrack just blinked when I asked him about the fake horn and tail.

"How would we even—you want to wear the parts of dead people?" A shiver of disgust came from his mindwaves.

I dropped my face in my hands and gave up. Guess I'd just live the life of a freak.

I missed Naomi and Levi.

Two months in, a few weeks before hatching day, I finally felt up to asking if Gilrack could take me back to the life pod so I could talk to Naomi and Levi. He hesitated, thrashed his tail around a bit, but eventually, albeit reluctantly, agreed. But only if his father promised to watch the eggs while they were gone and if this would be the one and only trip before the eggs hatched.

"If it's going to hurt them, I won't leave," I said quickly.

"No, you've cared for them very well. Females are more likely to get bored and leave their eggs more often than you have, even though it's discouraged. You have done everything right, so they'll be okay with their grandparents."

Horack seemed especially excited to curl himself around the incubator. Only Gilrack and I were allowed to incubate the eggs in the nest so that the newly hatched babies would know the scent of their parents. However, having someone's mindwaves nearby was important too.

"I'll be there once I'm done handling the merchants committee," said Shatit, though Gilrack had not asked her.

Gilrack grumbled beneath his bed, but decided not to pick a fight.

Thus, I was done up in my old clothes and space suit, picked up by Gilrack, and flown down the tunnel and over a small crowd of visitors in the royal chamber.

I had almost forgotten the sheer wonder of the vast city glowing in every color along the varied walls of the caverns. Several people looked up to watch us pass in surprise, though most were too far away for me to tell.

"You can explore the city whenever you want," said Gilrack, probably sensing my wonder. "Nothing is closed from you."

"I'm in the nest because I want to, I don't feel trapped or anything," I said, sensing his concern in turn.

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