7. Meeting again

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Taehyung and Areum reached Seokjin's house. Taehyung had decided that he will live with his bestfriend till he finds a suitable place for himself. But Seokjin's boyfriend visits frequently so it will not be appropriate for them to live for many days.
At night Seokjin and his boyfriend, Seojoon take Taehyung and Areum out for dinner.

Seokjin graduated from Seoul National University. Firstly his plan was to be a screen writer in the entertainment industry but due to financial issues he opened a flower shop. He wants to earn money so that he and his boyfriend can finally settle in their life and then get married. In the beginning his shop was working really well but when some other shops opened in the area then it affected his business.
Taehyung after hearing it suggested, "Hyung why don't you do live streaming of your shop."
"Live streaming means?" Seokjin asked. Being the owner of a shop he knows how to do marketing but he doesn't know what live streaming is.

Taehyung explained to him that he can place an online auction for his flowers by live streaming. He also told them that Areum is not less than a celebrity in the entertainment industry. She also does live streaming and even earns more than that of Seokjin's flower shop.
Seokjin felt like he had won a lottery. He hugs Areum tightly and kisses her whole face. "Cherry Baby from now on I will follow your path." He told.
Areum replied, "No problem uncle Jin. I will teach you everything about live streaming."
Seokjin said, "Oh I love you so much baby."
Areum replied, "I love you too uncle Jin."
And smiled showing her cute dimples.
"Why are you so cute?" Seokjin said.

After dinner they visited Silver Karaoke. They all enjoyed it a lot there. After sometime Areum fell asleep. Seokjin saw her and said, "Tae, Areum fell asleep. It's getting late we should also leave."
"Ok Hyung let's go." Taehyung replied.
They all left Karaoke centre but while leaving they saw a very known person. It was Chanyeol.

Chanyeol came to a party hosted by his company. He came out of the party hall to answer a phone call. After his call when he turned around he saw a known person. It was Taehyung.
Light was slightly dim in the hallway so to make sure he asked, "Taehyung is it really you?"
Taehyung who was planning to ignore him and just leave stopped and looked towards Chanyeol. His eyes are showing pure hatred for the man infront of him. After looking at Chanyeol all the bad memories of the past came infront of his eyes. How he and Baekhyun sold Taehyung for their benefits. Taehyung really hates the couple and wants to make their life hell.
Five years have passed. Chanyeol had changed a lot. He is loaded with branded clothes from top to bottom. Afterall he is the owner of Starlight Entertainment.
'Showoff' Taehyung thought.

Otherside, Chanyeol was stunned by Taehyung's beauty. Taehyung had become more beautiful and attractive within the past five years. Chanyeol is feeling really attracted towards him. "Tae when did you come back? Why didn't you contacted me after returning? Atleast you should have told me." Chanyeol said. He never thought that after five years of their break up Taehyung will turn more beautiful and attractive.

Taehyung is slightly drunk. His bread cheeks and lips are turning pink. His eyes are looking unfocused and it is increasing his beauty even more. His voice also changed. It becomes more attractive and sexy. He is looking confident, open, elegant and attractive.
"Do I really need to report about my returning to you?" Taehyung asked irritated. He is not in the mood to talk to Chanyeol. He was about to leave but Chanyeol came infront of him and stopped him. He said, "Tae! It's been five years. I haven't seen you for the last five years. How are you? Do you even know how much I missed you? I have been waiting for your return for the last five years." He made his expressions worried in front of Taehyung. He himself doesn't know what he is feeling right now. But he wants Taehyung close to himself.

Actually he had started missing Taehyung in the past few years. When they both were dating Taehyung used to listen to everything he says while Baekhyun is a very controlling person. He wants Chanyeol to follow all his orders and work according to his wishes.
He remembers how Tae used to take care of him in the past. He thought that if he showed some sympathy towards him then Taehyung would surely return back to him.

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