37. Power of Mrs. Jeon

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Baekhyun came home after sometime thinking that he will see Taehyung in a very bad condition. He was sure that his dad would not leave Taehyung this easily. He was feeling giddy inside thinking that finally Taehyung is out of his way in the entertainment industry.

But the scene which he saw was far away from his imagination. He sees her grandma laying unconscious near stairs. He immediately goes to her and starts trying to wake her, "Grandma what happened to you? Grandma please wake up." Realising that she is not going to wake up like this he shouts for his parents for help. "Mom dad where are you? Look what happened to grandma."

Not getting an answer he went towards his father's office because it's the only place where his dad usually stays. But the scene infront of him was really unexpected. There his parents were laying unconsciously on floor while covered with bruises and blood. He says, "Oh my god what happened here? Did Taehyung did this with them? Firstly I needs to call ambulance for the three of them."
He immediately dials to hospital and calls ambulance for them.
Soon ambulance arrives and takes them to hospital.

After 2 hours
The doctor finally comes out of the ward and Baekhyun asks, "Doctor how are my parents and grandma?"
Doctor replies, "Your father has a crack in his backbone maybe because of falling hard. He will be facing difficulty in standing or sitting for a long time. He has numerous bruises and fractures. I will suggest that he should use a wheelchair for the time being.
Then about your mother it's not something very serious. She has fractured her hand. Also it appears like someone had slapped her numerous times. Her whole face is swollen. She also have some bruises here and there.
Lastly about your grandma then she won't be able to walk again. Her legs and backbone are badly damaged. She had a cut on her forehead and also she had hitted her head with stairs or floor I can't say clearly but she can face problems like memory loss or amnesia.
That's all for now. We will be able to tell more clearly once they all gains their consciousness. But I will suggest you should fill a complaint against it. It's a case of violence."

Baekhyun says, "Thank you doctor."
Doctor nods then leaves from there.
Baekhyun sighs dejected. He says, "Now I have to take care of these three old patients. Argh I am just fed up with them. What was I expecting to see and what actually happened. It's all because of that bitch Taehyung."

While the mentioned Taehyung is giggling happily in his husband's arms. His husband had bought an ice-cream for him so that it can lighten up his mood. Not mention it worked perfectly. The once crying male is blabbering non-stop while enjoying his favourite ice-cream and giggling in between.
On the other hand his husband is looking at him with love filled eyes. His wife is just so cute and adorable.
They reached their apartment building and once they reached near their apartment they can see a young lady standing outside their apartment. She is wearing a stylish dress. Not to mention she is beautiful with her long black hair.

Jungkook looks at her and says in a surprised tone, "Chaeyoung is it you?"
The girl looks towards him with a big smile and says, "Jungkookie oppa! Of course it's me. I missed you so much." Taehyung raise his eyebrow seeing the big smile on girls face while talking to his husband. He can clearly see the sparkles in the girls eyes while looking towards his husband and he didn't liked it not even a bit. He immediately holds his husband's bicep with his little hands. His husband immediately looks towards him with a sweet smile.

This also brings the attention of the girl towards Taehyung. Now she realised that there is someone else also present. Initially she had ignored Taehyung because her focus was completely on Jungkook. Who is this male? She had never seen him before. She asks, "Who is he, oppa?"

Jungkook looks at her and says, "My wife." And hearing this her whole world crashed. W-wife? Is Jungkook married? What when it happened? She looks at Taehyung with wide eyes.

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