Yousei-san (Edited)

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"Have you ever lost something important even though you were obsessively careful with it? Has something you rarely handle suddenly disappeared at the exact time you go to use it? If so, you probably had a visit from Yousei. It's important that you never look directly at it. Because in the instant that you do. . .It will take your life without you ever noticing. . ."


"Please please pleeaassee let me go home! Cleaning all this is horrible!" A high pitched voice could be heard from the abandoned girls' bathroom. That voice belonging to none other than Nene Yashiro.

"Not a chance!" Hanako replied happily, crossing his arms over his chest in superiority. Nene grumbled. "Well, why do I have to clean and M/N doesn't?" She asked. You were looking out the window, watching the sun fade out behind the mountains. But when you heard your name, you looked away from the beautiful sight.

"He doesn't have to clean because he isn't my assistant! Just the person I'm bound to." Hanako explained in a 'as a matter of fact' tone.

"And, think of it as payback for being the reason I can turn into a fish," You added, smirking down at Nene, who grumbled and sighed loudly. "Please! At least for today! I have something important to do!" Yashiro was begging at this point, trying her best to get out of her cleaning duties. Hanako pretended to think for a moment, placing a hand under his chin and humming.

"Hmmm. . .Nope! I also have something important I need you to do after this," The apparition said, smiling to himself as he looked away from Nene. Nene, not finished, angrily walked up to Hanako and started shaking him roughly. "You might be eternally young but I'm not! I'm in the prime of my life right now! I could be missing my big chance today all because of you!" She screeched, continuing to shake the poor apparition. Amused by the sight in front of you, you chuckled lowly, trying to make sure the other two didn't hear you laughing at them. Thankfully, they didn't.

"Well, what kind of chance are we talking about here?" You asked once you stopped laughing, causing Nene to stop assaulting Hanako. You were pretty sure this so-called chance had something to do with a boy. Just a wild guess.

"I got asked out on a date by Fuji! He's the coolest guy in class! He wants to meet alone in our classroom later, I really don't want to stand him up!" Nene gushed, hands bringing themselves up to her flushed face. Fuji was a new person, you've never heard of him before, but you have seen him around every once in a while. He was decently nice looking.

"A date?" Hanako questioned.

"Fuji?" You inquired. "Just what exactly are you doing with that guy?" You asked, crossing your arms and raising a brow.

"Well, since you asked, we're going to organize papers for the student council! Fuji says he has to leave right away though. . ." Nene trailed off, she looked as though hearts were in her eyes.

How dense was this girl?

"If he's leaving, does it really count as a date?" Hanako asked, tilting his head.

"It doesn't. Nene, this guy is setting you up so that you do all the work and he doesn't do anything! Stay away from that guy," You scolded, sternly looking at Nene, who pouted. She was so adamant on getting a guy that she couldn't see when he was using her? That's dangerous.

"It does count! I may just be a woman of convenience at the moment, but eventually, he'll see that I'm a catch!" Nene said, bringing back her high hopes and enthusiasm, hands confidently going over her hips. You sighed, knowing that you'll have to make sure she doesn't go out with Fuji.

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