White Space (Edited)

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"White Space, the place where all Supernaturals once lived. White Space, the place of emptiness. White Space, you've been living there for as long as you can remember."


You felt cold. Your body ached for warmth.

You then felt warm. And then your body felt too hot.

It felt like your eyes were glued shut. That was until you willed your eyelids to open.

It was so bright! White light crowded your vision, and you willed your eyelids to close. The white light could still be seen, even through your eyelids, and it was still bright! Your eyes squinted closer and closer together, and colorful dots started appearing. It hurt your head, and you were forced to open your eyes once more.

The bright white light still hasn't left, and it took several minutes for your eyes to adjust enough to see without squinting. Your eyes could never get used to this light completely.

You looked ahead of yourself. White light.

You looked to the right. White light.

You looked to your left. White light.

You looked behind yourself. White light.

Could you actually see? Is this what blindness feels like?

No, this wasn't what blindness was. Being blind didn't mean you felt as if you were in an ice box. Being blind didn't mean you felt like you couldn't move.

But could you see? No. No, you could not.

You willed yourself to stand. Everywhere was nothing but white. It was terrifying to look at. It was calming to look at.

You willed yourself to take the first step towards nowhere.

You willed yourself to take the second step towards nowhere.

You willed yourself to reach your arm out in wonder. Would your fingers brush against a wall? You couldn't see a wall. You continued forward, hand reached out, desperate to feel something.

You felt something touch the palm of your hand, you gasped and pulled away.

But another hand took yours before you could pull it away.

Who's hand was this? You knew whose hand this was.

His hand was warm. Usually, it wasn't. His fingers intertwined with yours, and you smiled, finding comfort in him. His hand pushed further into yours as he walked closer to you.

His other hand reached out and caressed your face, the heat of his hand warmed your frozen face.

He leaned forward and his lips collided with yours into a soft kiss. You smiled and closed your eyes, letting yourself drown in this new warmth.

He leaned away, but that warmth remained.

Your hand gently touched his, the one still holding the side of your face.

"Amane?" You asked, remembering his name.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Stay with me?" You asked.

"Forever." He responded.

And then.

And then.

And then.

And then it was dark.

And then that warmth was gone.

And then, you realized.

And then you realize, that only in the next life.

That only in the next life, will he stay with you.

That only in the next life, will he stay with you forever.


"Teru. Tell me. Right now. How to get them back."

"Nene, how many times do I have to tell you? They're all gone."

"I can't accept it! They were all I had!"

"You have me now."

". . ."

"Look, the only way you'd be able to see them again. . ."

"What!? How!?"

"Is to be fortunate enough to meet them again in the next life."


"For only in the next life, will everything be okay."

"For only in the next life, will she be able to live happily."

"For only in the next life, will he be able to love him."

"For only in the next life, will their thoughts follow them into their dreams."


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