The Misaki Stairs (Part One)(Edited)

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"Number Two of the Seven mysteries–The Misaki Stairs. They lure students to the netherworld and tear their bodies into thousands, if not tens of thousands, of pieces. . ."


It was the evening. A lovely one at that. The wind blew softly against the trees, making a shuffling sound when their thin long branches brushed against one another. The school bell rang, indicating the end of the school day. As people cluttered together to quickly move out of class, you collected your binders and books, standing from your seat and joining your peers in leaving the room. You watched as students maneuvered around the hallway, trying to get to their friends and lockers, it was chaotic. But it always was at the end of the day, so you were used to it. Just don't bump into anyone and you'll be fine. That's how it always was.

You walked over to the bathroom where Hanako resided. When coming closer to the bathroom, you wondered as to why you couldn't hear the constant whines of Nene and the teasing remarks of Hanako. Nene was always there before you, and usually, you could hear her whining from several feet away. So, it felt weird hearing nothing but silence, empty. You didn't like the feeling.

Walking into the girls bathroom (which you weirdly got used to doing), you quickly noticed your boy crazy friend missing. You looked left and right, expecting to find her but as you thought, she wasn't anywhere.

"You're finally here!" Hanako said joyfully, at least someone's here. You felt pressure behind you on your back. You stumbled forward, thankfully managing to prevent yourself from falling face-first into the tile flooring. Quickly recovering from the stumble, you noticed that Hanako was clinging onto you, his legs wrapped around your waist, and his arms around your neck. He reminded you of a koala.

"Hanako. . .What the hell are you doing? And where is Nene?" You interrogated, refusing to acknowledge the predicament you were in at the moment. You reached up and slightly pulled at Hanako's arms, preventing him from cutting off your airflow.

"One, I'm greeting you. And two, I thought Nene was with you. I even sent one of my Haku-jodai out to find her, but she was nowhere to be found." Hanako answered instantaneously, resting his chin on the top of your head lazily. He now sounded confused because Nene wasn't with you either. "Is she running late or something?" He asked, turning his head back towards the entrance.

"Nene hasn't been with me since this morning. Come to think of it, I haven't seen Aoi either. . .Maybe they're both sick or something." You said, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why both girls weren't at school.

Hanako decided he was bored of clinging onto you. So instead, he flipped over you and was now upside down, his body folding over top of you. His hands cupped your face and you flinched back. "Then I guess it's just me and you~" He said flirtatiously, smirking. At this point, it was more uncomfortable over flustering. But still, your face turned a light pink.

"Yeeaah, no. I'll stay for a while, but that's only as long as you keep your hands to yourself," You said, forcing his hands off your face. He was pouting but moved away, no longer upside-down and hovering over you, but still floating.

"You're no fun," Hanako sulked, crossing his arms, floating higher so he was taller. You followed his movements, crossing your arms. Unfortunately you couldn't make yourself taller.

"I'm well aware, thank you." You said. "I'm not as fun to mess with as Nene." Hanako came closer to you, hands back on your face, "Honestly, it's more fun to mess with you~"

"What did I say about keeping your hands to yourself!" You shouted, glaring at him. Why was he so touchy? You felt like you should've gotten used to it by now, but no matter what Hanako would do, you'd still get flustered and annoyed.

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