1. Arrival of a Warrior

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POV 3rd Person

On the beach of paradise island, a group of amazons rode on horseback enjoying the perfect air of their island only to stop as their horses got spooked.

"Whoa what's gotten into them?" an Amazon said petting her horse's head trying to calm the beast.

"They got the scent of something they don't like be on guard," said another she held the reins of her horse tight and drew her sword the other did as well getting their mounts under control they rode forward but not much later they found an impossible sight.

"A man has set foot on paradise island!" said an Amazon in front of the group stood a man in full armor leaning on an ornate but bloody spear, four of the group charged forward while one stayed back and blew on a horn the caused the air to vibrate the signal of an intruder.

The man had just noticed the riders baring down on him lifted his arm and a shield expanded from his arm and took a stance with his spear pointed towards them.

Riding forward and slashing their sword they find their blows deflected and fall as each horse falls with a rider in tow, getting up they find each horse with a hole in its chest and look to find the warrior's spear now dripping with new blood.

'Fast,' is what went through all of the Amazon's minds as known had seen the spear move from its position in the intruder's hands, even now as the intruder now faced the downed riders the single rider had not seen the intruder turn to face her sisters.

Forming a shield wall the four charged at the intruder only for their shields, swords, and armor to break and cracked as each Amazon fell to the ground.

Seeing her sister on the ground the intruder swept his spear and turned to face the last of this group who had already blown the horn again for aid, and as she prepared to retreat and meet with those reinforcements the intruder having watched her the entire time leaned on his spear once again.

POV Hippolyta Queen of the Amazons

I stood in my private chamber looking over the arena watching some of the younger Amazon's train but that was not what I was focusing on it had been 30 minutes since the signal of an intruder and still no word back after 10 minutes I sent 5 of my royal guard to investigate but still no word.

'Should I investigate?' This thought once again appeared in my mind but like the other times, I wanted it away even as I glanced at where my armor clean and polished appearing as if it was forged just today and not hundreds of years ago then a knock came to the four and I turned to see Diana standing in the doorway with a worried look.

"Mother is something wrong?" Diana asked I shack my head of these thoughts and give her a genuine smile as we embrace "I am fine my daughter it's nothing more than a queen worrying about her people," I said more to myself than I would admit but Diana smiled and nodded and we began to catch up.

For a few minutes, I enjoy Diana sharing her stories of man's world and how much it has changed it brought back fond memories of my time in the JSA but those thoughts were interrupted as Mala captain of the royal guard came in and quickly saluted and bowed.

"My queen I bring urgent news," she said and I motioned for her to stand and she does so "The intruder has been captured and brought to the throne room to await your judgment," she finished and I nodded but Diana went to her sister just before she collapsed

"Diana help me sit her down here," I said pulling out a chair for her and she looks like she was about to refute the offer but we insist and now that I get a better look at her I see the damage she has insured her armor is cracked with dented blood.

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