Chapter III

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The nerve-racking sounds of the Hospital had brought me back to my day where I gave birth to Jolyne, having to have a c-section in order to get her out. I still had the scar left on my stomach. It wasn't pretty, yet it had a significant meaning that I cherished to show how I brought life to this world, and not just any life but a beautiful, smart and confident girl named Jolyne. Regardless of her temper.  

I headed on over to the Receptionist, who was already preoccupied with many other individuals, their foreheads wrinkled with stress as they all sombre over their family members. I awaited in the line, a few people behind me were getting agitated. The sounds of their foot tapping against the marmoleum floor of the hospital. My eyes darted over to an older gentleman with a yellowy-orange scarf and black bowler hat stumbling a bit as he was guided towards a room with shaking legs, gripping onto his cane acting as another leg. 

It was all so depressing. There was no tinge of happiness brought in the hospital, only stress after more stress.  Possibly even some grief, where parents may hear about the unexpected news of their child, their treasure, to suffer. Exactly like me.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" The receptionist called, as I shook myself out of my thoughts and walked up to her, leaning my forearms against the counter.

"Hello, I'm the mother of Jolyne...Cujoh." Her last name gave me a memory of Jotaro for a second, before I blocked the image out of my head. "I was told over the phone that I could visit my daughter, if that's correct?" 

"Of course." The receptionist scribbled something down on these papers, before looking up at me with a soft smile. "May I see any form of identification?" I nodded, and pulled out my purse, showing her my driver's license which showed my identity to prove I was her mother. I didn't necessarily mind about this gesture, after all it's just the hospital doing their job. I would rather not have a random person see my daughter just like that. The receptionist looked over at my driver's license, scribbling down some more information, and then speaking once again. "Follow down the hall with the orange path and enter room highlighted '9A'. You should see Doctor Jones in the room who's currently assessing her injuries."

I smiled back, a bit more gleefully but still uneasy as I thanked her and followed her directions. I clung onto my navy blue trench coat wrapped around my body, as my boots echoed through the more silent hallway unlike the others. I kept walking past a few room numbers, until I finally reached my destination. Room 9A. Breathing sharply, I pulled the cold handle down and walked in through the lively blank room. 

I saw her look up at me instantly, I didn't even pay attention to the Doctor in the room who was writing a few things on his clipboard whilst looking down at her. My eyes buzzed when her half-smile lightened up the room. I could feel so many emotions, joy mixed with anger. "Jolyne, you silly girl." I uttered, with a bit of a shake in my voice as my eyes begun to tear up and I rushed on over to her. I wanted to hug her, but seeing her in bandages made me realise that probably wasn't the best idea yet. So instead, I put my hand down on her cheek, kissing her forehead with a chuckle and tears rolling down my cheek.

"Mum..." She muttered back in my ear as I continued to kiss her forehead. "God, mum, I'm so sorry. Look it wasn't my fault, they just got on my ne-"

I put my finger between her lips to stop her talking. "It's okay, I understand don't worry. The police are sorting the men out right now, they'll be dealt with." I turned myself towards the Doctor who was feeling a bit awkward, not entirely sure if he should speak up or let us have our moment. "Sorry about that, is she alright?"

"She's fine, however we'll need to keep her in the hospital a bit longer for some X-Rays and scans. Payment will be discussed towards the end of her stay, I'll leave you both to it." And with that, Doctor Jones walked out the room leaving just me and Jolyne. I groaned with a tinge of annoyance of as I completely forgotten that I will have to pay for all of this. I was so thankful I kept the divorce money and child support for Jolyne as I knew one day this would be coming.

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