Chapter XX

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My start of my new life began on chocolate and red wine and cheesy rom-com's. Groaning each time at the screen whenever I saw the unrealistic scenario come along, as I popped another chocolate into my mouth and drowning it down with the cheap wine. Jotaro had completely messed me up, making me become the same person that I was ever since we first got divorced. It wasn't worse, but my heart was still heavy since I knew on that day that I loved him. I haven't stopped loving him, even after all the dates I've been on to get over him. He's always been the other part of me that I've treasured. 

I heard the door open, my eyes travelling over to see Jolyne walk in after being out with Romeo. She was clearly happier than ever compared to me. Though I couldn't even believe it. I wasn't being the idealistic mother and looking stronger than ever, showing I don't need a man in my life. I was weak and heartbroken. The strings to my ponderous heart playing with each other, cutting off one by one before I'd soon face my doom. 

As Jolyne went up to her room, I thought for a moment, checking up on the time to see when I should make dinner before moving up from my seat to follow her. I knocked twice, before entering and leaning against the wall with my arms folded. "Hey, sweetie, what do you want for dinner?" I smiled, trying my best to look happy but Jolyne could already judge my mood. After all, she was my daughter. 

"Mmmmm... how about we get a takeout?" She grinned, taking advantage of this moment of my despair whilst I chuckled deeply at her words. It did sound like a good idea, maybe a pizza would help ease me off and allow me to have some mother-daughter time.

"Sure. I'll get a pepperoni pizza for us then." I looked at her warmly, as I turned to leave. Yet, my eyes soon caught something. That golden jewelled object that I remember Jotaro giving to Jolyne that one fateful day me and him made love once more. "What's this?" I moved to pick it up, but my own daughter quickly stopped me and grabbed it away from my grasp.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." She muttered, not wanting to speak anymore about the subject and tucking it into her pocket with a small shrug. 

I sighed angrily, beginning to get irritated by seeing objects from Jotaro. "Put it in the bin, I don't want to see that shit in my household." I placed two fingers either side on the temples of my face, rubbing them softly to stop myself lashing out accidentally.

"I'm not going to put in the bin. It's important." She chuckled whilst giving me a confused stare at my sudden change of attitude. "Do you need a sec, mom?"

"I don't need a second, just put it in the bin- oh, for god sake." I groaned, catching up on the fact that I was behaving so weirdly all of a sudden. Especially over something so stupid. "I'm going to take a walk, and I'll grab some pizza on the way for us." I moved quickly out of her room before I could let my emotions get the better of me, leaving Jolyne confused and slightly worried. Walking down the stairs, I grabbed the iconic trench coat to wear for the cold night before heading out in the darkness with only the artificial lighting coming from each lamp post being illuminated on the pavement, reflecting back in their puddles they carried.

My mind was currently everywhere. Thinking about the various things that have been happening in my eventful life, no longer boring yet even more depressing than usual. 

Walking through the glass door, I was hit with the smell of cooking pizza's inside of the corner shop. Looking up at the menu and taking out my wallet to pay the young girl at the counter as she took my order to the Chef's and all I had to do was wait around for a while. Once finished, I stood up from my seat and took the paper bag with the pizza box inside and heading back home after taking in the fresh cool breeze.

"Well, we meet again." A voice spoke behind me which made me jump out of my skin, turning around and holding up the pizza bag in defence. As the man was laughing at my actions, I laughed back, settling down from my racing heart which I held in my free hand. 

"You scared me, Father." I sighed, smiling and shaking my head as I looked towards the Priest from the Church I met those many weeks ago. "I almost took your for some other creepy man."

He let out another loud chuckle at this declaration, shaking his head in affirmation that he was nothing like that. The Priest stood tall and proud, still in his usual priestly attire to showcase his attitudes towards his beliefs. "Don't worry, I'm nothing of the sort. Why are you out so late? It's dangerous." 

"Ah, hah..." I smiled gently, walking with him through the street, feeling at ease with the presence of a religious man. Though, there was something else which did make him feel so unsettling, I just couldn't put my finger to it. "Just needed some fresh air, cool myself down and get some pizza for me and my daughter." 

"Oh? You and your daughter? Does she know you're out this late?" He asked with such a smooth voice, staring at me ever so gently as he smiled back with warmness.

"Mmm... yeah, just getting back now." I replied, another soft sound coming from my throat, before I soon ran out of things to say so the walk began to grow awkward with the silence. Only the sounds of the crickets coming from the nearby fields could be heard in the late night. I took one step in front of the other, looking down and beginning to reflect back onto the night Jotaro told me we couldn't love each other. Though, my mind began to soon turn drowsy as I began to struggle on maintaining my thoughts... or my energy... soon my legs grew weak too...

"Hm? Is everything alright, [Y/N]?" The Priest spoke up, looking down at me as I held my head - struggling to maintain my breathing. "Do you need any help?" 

"No... I mean... what?" I looked back up at him through my squinting eyes with a concerned look. "How did you... know my name? I never... told you..." My breath revealed itself heavily in the cold winter, as this soaring headache almost made me collapse to the ground before I was caught by another person. Though, the voices were beginning to dim out and so was my vision, blurring to only see objects.

"Is she .... Father Pucci ... should .... her?" Was the voice I could only hear, squinting through to see Max, that blonde ice-cream man. Though soon my vision dimmed, and I was left with nothing but the dark abyss of this overcoming void slowly but surely consuming me.

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Another day, another chapter... I wonder what's going to happen next now. Will Jotaro save you, or just leave you?

Currently in Japan at the minute, and went to an onsen; what a fun experience. I'll let you guys know if I see Jotaro Kujo ;)

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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