chapter 2

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The next day
Aurora's Pov:
The morning sunlight shines through the cracks of my curtains. My eyes flicker open as I feel Bonnie snuggle into me. I look at the clock 8:00am. I giggled giving her a scratch on the head before pulling the blankets off of me, getting out of bed. I make my way to my bathroom. I shower and get changed into some comfortable clothes. I do my hair into a messy bun and don't worry about makeup. I open my bathroom door to let Bonnie in. I follow her to the corner where her food and water is and give her some breakfast. I walk back out and open my curtains looking out into the back yard, where in less than 2hrs will be filled with an entire hockey team and their families. I turn around and make my bed. As I finish there is a nock on my door.

“Come in!" I yell looking at the door to see who enters. My door opens and dad pops his head in.

“morning honey, just reminding you that I have the boys coming over today" he said as he opens my door wider, “Also Theo and his lot will be here in like 20mins as his parents want to help set up, he is bringing buddy to, so Bonnie will have a friend today" he adds.

“All good dad thanks for the heads up," I say he leaves and closes the door behind him. As he leaves I lay back on my bed and Bonnie trots in and climbs onto my bed.

Theo's Pov:
20mins later
I am standing outside my coaches house. My mum, dad and younger brother Logan, and of course my amazing dog Buddy. I nock on the door and wait for an answer. Suddenly the door swung open and Matt, the coach's son, came into view.

“Sup people," he said “Logan come check out this new play station game my mum got me," he added as we followed him into the house. I made my way into the kitchen with Buddy at my heels.

“There he is my star player," I hear from behind me. I turn around to see my Coach walking inside from the back door.

“Hey coach how are you," I say as Buddy sits at my feet.

“oh you know the usual," he replied. “oh by the way Aurora and Bonnie are in Aurora's room, you can take buddy up and him and bonnie can play," he added. I nod and turn towards the stairs. I start to worry. Not that I have never been in her room or alone with her but I haven't been able to get her out of my head since last night.

When I reach her door I knock on it and wait for an answer.

Aurora's Pov:
I am just scrolling on Instagram when I hear a knock on the door. I look up confused, I know that dad has his team coming but I normally don't go down straight away when they are here. I ponder for a moment longer, till I hear a bark outside. On que bonnie stands up ready to start barking.

“Bonnie leave it," I say. Before getting up to open the door. When I open it I am meant with a gorgeous brown eyes boy standing with a black labrador.

“Hay, ummm your dad told me I should bring Buddy up here to play with Bonnie," he says while looking down at his dog.

“Oh ya of course come in," I replied moving out the way for him to come in. As soon as Buddy and Bonnie meet they started playing.
I took a seat on my bed and he sat on the desk across from me. The room fell silent. But the silence was peaceful and not awkward.

“So I have heard that you have a big competition coming up," he said as I turned my head to him. How did he know about my competition. No one but my closest friends and family know about that competition.

“Yea I do," I say curiously “ how do you know about that,"

“Your dad told me," he chuckles obviously noting my pondering expression on how he found out.

And as if it was a clue we hear my dad yell to all the kids to get down stairs. We both get up and make our way to the door. As we pass our hands brush against eachother. My cheeks flush red as I make my way down the stairs. Theo and the dogs following me.

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