chapter 5

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Aurora's Povs:
A few days later at the figure skater compilation:
“Aurora Anderson, next on the ice," the speaker boomed as I walk towards the ice. This is it the biggest competition of the year. I skate towards the centre of the ice. It was now or never. The music started, all my thoughts and worrys fade away. Muscle memory takes over. It is just me the music and the ice. Perfectly landing every jump.

Once the music finished the cround erupted into cheers and applause. My eyes scan the cround and land on him. His brown fluffy hair and deep brown eyes make it impossible for me to miss him. I skate off the ice.

“Well done ice princess," I hear from behind me. I spin around to see him standing there. I smile spread across my face as I thank him.

Theo's POV:
Her proformance was absolutely breathtaking. I find my self staring at her body gliding across the ice.

Once she is finished I walk over to her.
“Well done ice princess," I say as she turned around. Her lips spread into a smile across. Butterflys erupt in my stomach. Slowly I step closer to her, grabbing her by the hands, our lips connect. Fireworks erupts inside me as it feels like it is just us and nothing else matters.

“I knew it, I knew he had a thing for her!" I hear Matt and Logan scream in unison. We pull away laughing.

“Sooooo," she said grinning even more.

“Sooo you want to go on a date with me?" I questioned looking into her bright green eyes

“Pick me up at 6:30 tomorrow night," she responded before kissing my cheek before walking off.

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