13) Deep Breaths Damien, Deep Breaths

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Song: A 1000 Times by Hamilton+Rostam

Damien Beckett (POV)

Travelling faster than the speed of light, creating a perpetual motion machine, dividing by zero, creative a square circle, sneezing with your eyes open, licking your own elbow, being two places at once, Damien sharing a bed with Kai Carter. These things are impossible, they simply cannot happen. They do not obey the laws of physics. So, how on earth was I able to pull off the last one on the list? How the fuck was I able to break the laws of physics and share a bed With Kai? How the fuck did I manage to do something that I once thought was impossible?

I have no fucking idea.

I have had my eyes on Kai for quite some time now. I would always sneak a look at him when he isn't looking and staring off into space. He does this thing when he's thinking hard about something, he crinkles up his nose and I swear it's the cutest thing that I have ever seen.

Before I met Kai, my life was simple. Going to school, hanging out with my friends, playing football, making out with girls, going home, chilling with my family and the cycle goes on and on. I still do those things, but, with one exception. I have stopped making out with girls.


Well, it all happened that day in the cafeteria. My day was going as it usually did, painfully normal. I had just finished an extended morning practice with the football team because coach Phillips insisted that football was more important that regular classes, and who were we to argue with him. Arguing with that man is like talking to a brick wall. So I entered the cafeteria with my friends hungry and a bit annoyed because it be like that sometimes.

As usual, everyones eyes diverted into our direction. Girls started whispering and giggling amongst themselves, and some guys gave me death glares because I attracted their girls attention. Like how the fuck is it my fault that these girls can't keep their eyes off of me? I totally get why they are doing it, if I was a girl I'd want me to have sex with me too.

Anyway, I played them no mine because I only had one thing on my mind, food. I sat down at my usual table and took my lunch out of my bag, because I don't eat the pig food they serve in the cafeteria. No one should eat that abomination.

So here I was, eating my food hungrily, minding my very own business when I saw someone watching me from the corner of my eyes. Normally I would just ignore people when they are looking at me, but this was different. I've seen this guy a few times around the school, he always walks with his head down and no one really ever plays him no mind. I think he's in our year but I don't really know.

What caught me off guard was his immediate beauty. When I turned my head to look at him he quickly averted his eyes and put his head down. 'No, look at me again,' I thought to myself, but he never looked back. I remember asking my friends if they knew him, and Holly told me that he was in her biology class and his name was Kai Cancer. What a weird last name.

So when the bell rung for lunch to be over, I told myself that I'd go talk to him, but by the time I looked up he was gone. So I rushed out of the cafeteria just in time to see him, and shouted at him to stop. I came to learn that his name was Kai Carter not cancer as Holly said, and he had the cutest nervous stutter ever.

I know that he was good looking from when he was watching me in the cafeteria, but I was not prepared for what I saw up close. I saw platinum blond hair cascading over his eyes, like a waterfall of gold. The sharp grey eyes that peer out from beneath the veil of hair, seem to be searching for something, as if they hold a secret that only the wind can whisper, as if they were searching my soul. The freckles that are spread across his nose was like stars in the sky, adding a playful touch to his face. His face is a face that is both mysterious and enchanting, like a dream that lingers long after you wake up.

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