23) Welcome

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Song: Still Don't Know My Name by Labrinth

Kai Carter (POV)

As I stood before the canvas, I took a deep breath and steadied my hand. I had been working on this piece for days, pouring my heart and soul into every brushstroke and every color choice. With one final stroke, I would bring the painting to life and complete my masterpiece.

I dipped my brush into the paint, carefully selecting the perfect shade to finish the piece. I brought the brush to the canvas, my hand steady and sure, and began to apply the paint with a practiced hand. As the brush moved across the canvas, I could feel the energy and emotion of the piece flowing through me, driving me to create something truly special.

With each stroke, the painting grew more vibrant and alive, the colors blending together in a beautiful symphony of light and shadow. I worked with a fierce intensity, determined to capture the essence of my vision and bring it to life on the canvas.

Finally, I stepped back, surveying my work with a critical eye. I could see the beauty and power of the piece, the way it spoke to the soul and captured the essence of the world around me. With a smile of satisfaction, I declared the piece complete, the final stroke a testament to my skill and dedication.

I sighed. I was finally done with the portrait of Damien that I 'accidentally' started all these days ago. Despite the fact that it was started unintentionally, it is arguably the best painting I have done to date. The painting looks so real, that one could be fooled that this was a photo taken by a giant poloroid camera. The only thing that gave it away was the fact that it was on a canvas.

Finally, I have my very own painting of Damien, but I'm kinda bummed that I cannot hang it up, because if my parents find out that I have a picture of a boy hanging in my room, all hell will break loose. So instead, I opted to just leave the painting on my desk.


"Did you guys hear?" Stacy ask.

"Hear what?" Asked Juan with his mouth full of food.

"Dude can you not speak with food in your mouth." Austin grumbled.

"Well maybe if you answered the question, I wouldn't have to speak. Do you want me to just keep Stacy waiting for an answer?" Juan asked.

"No, I expect you to swallow your food, then answer." Austin told him.

"What's so wrong with speaking with food in your mouth anyways? How is it ok for people to speak if they have gum in their mouth, but if its any other food it's wrong?" Juan asked.

Oh boy, here we go again, maybe I should get popcorn. I'm starting to think that Juan and Austin were created specifically to argue with each other. Not a single day goes by without banter from these two. It's like they feed off of it. Sometimes it's really entertaining, while other times it's just annoying as hell. It's like the saying, 'there's a time and place for everything' doesn't pertain to them, because in their minds, no matter the time or place, if they want to argue, they will.

"That's because chewing gum isn't food, jackass. And it's not ok to speak with food in your mouth because it's disgusting, and you can choke. Did you not learn that in Kindergarten? Did you even go to kindergarten? Because you lack basic knowledge." Austin said rolling his eyes.

"Are you trying to call me stupid? Because yes, I did go to kindergarten, and if you were so smart you would know that gum is indeed a food." Juan said folding his arms over his chest.

I turned my attention to Stacy. "What were you about to say?" I asked. She looked pissed that Juan interrupted her conversation to argue, and honesty I didn't blame her even if I thought that she should be used to Austin and Juan's behaviour by now.

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