17) A Good Stalker

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Song: Don't Delete The Kisses by Wolf Alice.

Kai Carter (POV)

I had a dream last night where I kissed Damien Beckett. His lips were soft, softer than I thought they would be, and he kissed me delicately. His kisses felt like a butterfly gently beating it's wings against my lips.

The kiss was absolutely amazing and felt so real, but of course it doesn't even come close to the kiss that we shared on Friday night.

It was now Monday morning, and I haven't heard anything from Damien as yet. I tried to not let it bother me, but it kinda does. What if he regrets kissing me? Well, at least I'd be able to say that I kissed my crush. Not everyone can say that.

Of course I had a few questions in mind. Like, was Damien gay? No, he can't be. I've heard the rumours of him sleeping around with different girls. Unless they are just rumours. And also, did he kissing me means that he liked me? Or was he just experimenting?

Either way, I couldn't just lie in bed thinking about Damien all day, I needed to get my ass to school, where I might actually have a chance of meeting up with him. So I reluctantly got out of bed and started getting ready for school. My parents weren't home all weekend so I'm bruise free.

After taking a quick shower, I stood in front of my closet trying to pick something to wear. I didn't have that many options, but I felt the need to put some extra effort into what I wore today.

After what felt like hours, I ended up wearing a brown jean jumpsuit with a white under shirt and a pair of white sneakers. I had an internal argument of weather or not I should wear a black baseball cap, and decided against it. After giving myself a one over in the mirror, I headed down stairs.

When I opened the door, I was shocked.

I was not expecting to see Damien Beckett leaning on the hood of his grey sports sudan. He smirked at me. "Not expecting to see me?" He asked.

I laughed nervously. "W-what are you doing here?"

"Aww, did you not want to see me?"

"No!" I yelled a bit too loud. Then I lowered my voice. "No, th-that's not it. I just wasn't expecting to see you here, that's all."

Damien chuckled and leaned off of the car. "Are you stammering again?" He asked walking closer to me.

When he was right in front of me, he leaned and whispered in my ear, "Do I make you nervous?"

A shiver ran down my spine. "Kind of." I whispered.

He chuckled and pulled away almost causing me to whine. I wanted him to kiss me again like he did on Friday night, but he didn't. "Come on, let's head to school."

The ride to school was mainly quiet with light conversation. The radio was on, playing some eighties rock music which I really liked. However, on the entire ride I just wanted to talk to Damien about the kiss on Friday, but he didn't bring it up, so I didn't know if I should bring it up.

When we entered the school parking lot and Damien turned off the engine and was about to get out of the car, I couldn't take it on any longer. I wanted to say something about the kiss. And I did.

"Hey." I said causing Damien to pause with his hand on the door handle.

He turned towards me. "Whats up?"

" I...I uhhh, I just wanted to talk about what happened on Friday night." I said nervously.

Damien sat up straight. "You mean the kiss?"

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