Chapter 18- Takeout

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Kakashi sat at the counter of the ramen shop. He was dead tired, but he hadn't had a chance to eat since he woke up at the hospital. He slurped att his noodles without speaking.

He was loath to admit it, but this place was actually pretty good. That Yama guy was actually right about the rumors.

Kakashi finished his meal before walking home for the second time tonight.

  If I'm going to take my training seriously, I need to overhaul my diet, too.

  I've been wasting away recently, and I've probably loss over 10% of my weight since my peak physical condition.

  The rations I have at home won't work. I'll have to get some good fresh food.

  Isn't that what that Yama guy was talking about?

  Dammit, its good for me and my plans, but I am not looking forward to babysitting this old codger.

Kakashi arrived at his house soon enough, and he opened the door to step inside.

He had hoped that Pakkun would take his job seriously, but no such luck.

In the living room, Yama was sprawled out on the couch. Pakkun was curled up and sleeping on his chest.

There was takeout all over the coffee table.

Kakashi's gaze wandered around the room, and on the top of the loveseat, a small, silver fox was perched, just looking at him.

Kakashi was officially out of patience.


The puppy wearily blinked his eyes and wiped with face with a paw.

  'What's up boss? Why so loud?"


Pakun looked around him real quick. Pakkun looked down. Yama was still asleep, seemed like the guy slept like the dead.

  "Well, Yama is here." and he gestured down below him, pointing to the snoring man on the couch.

  "That's Ginou." and Pakkun gestured to the fox perched atop the loveseat.

  "He's a friend of Yama's, he's not as nice as Yama, but he's an okay guy too."

The fox growled out a response.

  "Silence, whelp. I need not your introductions."

Kakashi was on alert as soon as the fox spoke. Only a spiritual beast was smart enough to speak, and if that fox was a spirit beast, it was potentially dangerous.

Ginou noticed the stiffening of Kakashi.

  "Oho, looks like I still command a semblance of fear? Tell me, brat, do I set you on edge?"

The fox focused his eyes on Kakashi and showed his teeth in a wild smile. Hints of killing intent wafted out.

Kakashi though tired, was now fully awake. He started reaching down for a Kunai when Yama woke with a mighty yawn.

  "YAAAWN, Ginou, what the hell man? I was sleeping. Oh, hey Kakashi, what's up?"

Ginou's intent disappeared as if it had never been there, and Yama wanted to get up, but Pakkun didn't seem to want to move from his chest, so Yama laid his head back down.

Kakashi looked at Yama, the old codger, and he started the question him.

  "Why is there a fox in my house?"

  "Oh that's Ginou. He kinda comes and goes as he pleases. Don't mind him too much."

Kakashi's face twitched.

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