Chapter 21- Lesson

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Yama straightened his papers while standing at the lectern at the front of the class. Before he made any decisions though, he would have to get some more information.

  "As this is my first day, I will need some help from the students to help this school year go well. Would anyone like to become class president?"

No one moved, and the class was silent.

  "Any volunteers at all?"

None answered.

Yama looked around the room and studied each student a bit more carefully. He obviously recognized Mizuki and Iruka, but the other four he was only vaguely familiar with.

Tsubaki eventually became romantically involved with Mizuki in his past, but the Hyuga, Aburame, and Akimichi were only people that Yama had heard of, he had never personally known their older selves.

Mizuki and Tsubaki sat close together, and it seemed that they got along fairly well.

Akimichi Domaru had the classic Akimichi physique, stocky and strong, and his eyes were narrowed into slits.

Aburame Shimiko was quiet, as most Aburame were, and instead of the normal sunglasses that her clan would wear, she had a full set of goggles that covered both her eyes with a single continuous piece of material. The goggles were blacked out and reflective, and it was hard to read her face.

Hyuga Hikaru was obviously a member of the Branch family considering the bandage that covered his forehead. Yama was upset to see it though.

Iruka, though, his head down and unresponsive, evoked a gut-wrenching pain in Yama. In the same way that Iruka's parents had died before, they died again, during the Kyuubi Attack. Yama had tried to stop the fighting as quickly as possible, but he still could not save everyone.

Yama governed his emotions and moved on. No matter how he felt, with his current responsibility being to these kids as their teacher, he had to do the best job he could no matter his emotional state.

Yama asked a different question this time.

  "Someone please explain your class's situation. I have not yet taken a look at my predecessor's lesson plans and notes, so I would like to hear from you all first about what you need to know and when you plan to grraduate.

Aburame Shimiko stood up.

  "Our class is in its final year at the academy before we take the genin examination. All of us will be taking the exam next May. The exam includes previous academic scores, taijutsu perforamnce, and the ability to perform clone, substitution, and transformation jutsu."

Yama was a little surprised to hear that the exam was the exact same that he had once had to go though, and he smiled ruefully.

Yama continued.

  "Thanks you for the information, Shimiko. You can now choose whether to accept the class presidency or abstain from it."

  "I abstain."

Yama clapped his hands and looked at the other students.

  "Okay, so one of you will be selected to be the class president then."

The students perked up somewhat; it seemed that their new instructor was a little capricious and would be forcing one of them to become the class president if no one volunteered.

Yama walked to the teacher's desk at the front of the room and started to rummage through it. After a few seconds though, he was exasperated. His predecessor was not very organized it seemed.

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