Chapter 39- Plans

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The young and brash fourth Raikage, Ay, stared angrily at the letter in front of him. As his hand curled into a fist and his face turned red, the paper crumbled before burning to ash as the sparks flew across it.

He took a deep breath but before he could fully squash his anger, the Hachibi jinchuuriki, his brother, Bee, interrupted him.

  Yo, big bro, you mad as hell, that ain't so swell.

  The Daimyo got you full of ire

  About to spit fire

  What he saying now?

  Plans going keblow?

  The same as last week?

  Super paranoid freak?

  Spies out the yin yang?

  Too bad we too good

  Spies fall with a bang

  As we said they wood

Ay was trembling, but he nothing outwardly acknowledged the presence of his brother, or his awful, awful raps.

Bee thought to himself.

  Maybe Aniki just ain't hearing so good.

  Lemme check, see if he could

   Kono yarou, Baka yarou!

Ay erupted.


As Ay jumped up to physically persuade his idiot rap mumbling bother of a brother to leave if the oaf didnt get the message, Bee crossed his hands in a cool gangster pose, leaning up against the wall, and disappeared in a flash of sparks.

Ay settled back into his seat, more than upset that Bee had guessed exactly what the letter the Daimyo had sent to Kumogakure was about.

The old doddering fool was paranoid beyond all belief, and he was worried about all of the penetration attempts on the border.

In the past week, no less than 8 ships and 14 people were caught trying to cross the border. They were immediately executed on the spot, and none of them got far enough through the perimeter to suggest that the perimeter wasn't working, but nothing that Ay could say could assuage the frantic fear of the Daimyo.

The man was possessed with the planned invasion. He could not allow anything to get in the way of it, and any threat to it had the Daimyo bouncing off the walls.

Ay, on the other hand, was used to the normal ups and downs of shinobi life. People tried to get information every day of every year. It wasnt even that big of an uptick in illegal border crossings versus normal times.

Ay snorted to himself. The Daimyo was truly a fool. If it was really that easy to get information out of the Land of Lightning, then Kumogakure wouldve fallen years ago.

Still though, the Daimyo could not be persuaded.

He wanted to move the schedule up.

While he had initially planned on six months preparation for the civilian army, he wanted to push the tempo.

The unilateral change to the plan now had Kumogakure making its initial assaults in a little over a month. Ay collected himself before calling his advisors in, hed rather not have this discussion more than once if he could help it.

As soon as Ay finished spreading the news, the various commanders and clan heads seated at the conference table were at a loss for words.

One of the elderly commanders took a harsh look at his subordinate, who then grimaced.

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