Chapter 16

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Ava's POV

I think I forgot to turn off the light before falling asleep, there was a blinding light on my face making me scrunch and squint my eyes, I tried to move to reduce the light but there was a heavy weight in my lower body.

I shifted a bit and tried to feel it with my eyes closed, it felt soft but hard and strong, I opened my eyes immediately, I came face to face with a sleeping Ethan.

Memories from what happened last night flooded my mind making my eyes widen, holy shit we had sex.

I got up abruptly waking him up in the process, he rubbed his eyes to clear the sleep off, I had the sheets wrapped around my body since I was completely naked, he was wearing his pants.

"What's wrong Ava"? He asked looking at me like it was normal to wake up naked with me in bed

"Everything is wrong Ethan" I snapped at him, he just looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

"Ava, you're overreacting" he told me sitting up right and my eyes widened.

"Are you being serious right now? Ethan we had sex" I snapped at him

"And so"? He asked nonchalantly

"Ethan we're brother and sister and we just had sex" I told him matter of fact.

"Ava for the last time, you're not my sister" he gritted out

I breath out running my hands through my hair "oh my God, you're unbelievable Ethan, we just had sex and you're not even in the least bit bothered about it"

"What do you want me to say Ava? That it was a mistake? that I regretted it? Because I don't" he spat

"You don't even care what mom and dad would say if they ever found out something like this happened between us" I spoke angrily

"Ava they won't say anything because for one you're not even my sister and  for another they don't have to find out"  he told me and I just stared at him unbelievably. "And besides Uncle Tony and Aunt Ann were once foster siblings too, no one judged them for being together" he said

"That is different Ethan" I told him

"What's the difference Ava"? He asked staring at me as if daring me to give a reason why it's different.

The difference is they both had feelings for each other, you don't even like me Ethan.

But I didn't say it out, I just thought it in my head.

"Leave Ethan" I told him and he just stared at me with hurt evident in his eyes.

"Ava....." I cut him short.

"Leave before I say something we're both going to regret" I spat at him turning my face so I won't look at him.

He just got up, picked his shirt and put it on, he stood watching me for a while before he finally left.

After I heard the door closed, I sighed out.
God i can't believe this happened.
I didn't even expect to see him this morning, I thought he'd be gone before I woke up but I was wrong.

I was so fucking wrong and stupid to have let myself fall at his Mercy again.
But unlike the first time, he actually faced me this time, he didn't run away.

How the fuck did I even let this happen?
I just let Ethan have sex with me again.

Yes again, last night wasn't the first time Ethan had touched me.
Five years ago, the night before he left, Ethan took my virginity inside my room back at mom and dad's place.

It wasn't forced, it was very much consensual.
I was very young then, the age gap was much but I didn't care, I don't regret doing it but after I woke up the next morning to find out he had already left for Seattle, I vowed never to let myself go like that for him ever again.

But I just foolishly made the same mistake, and now it was worse, he didn't even want to admit what we did was wrong.

How am I supposed to even act as if what happened last night didn't happen?
If Mom and Dad ever found out then we're both dead.


It had been a week since Ethan and I had sex and I hadn't spoken to him neither have I given him a chance to even talk to me.

I had tried my best to avoid him, it was hard because of work and all, I had gone home once and mom and I were cool again.

She knew it wasn't me in those pictures so she burnt them to keep dad from seeing it, I was a bit occupied mentally.

The fact that Ethan and I had sex has been playing on my mind, it made me lose concentration sometimes, especially if he was present.

Even Tristan knew something was off about me but I kept telling him I was fine, but deep down I knew I wasn't fine at all.

I was home with Mom and Dad, I was inside my room while they were downstairs, I was going through my phone when I heard the door open, I looked up and saw Ethan had walked in.

I got up quickly and sat on my bed

"What are you doing here Ethan"? I asked him glaring at him.

"I came to talk to you Ava" he said walking towards the bed but I quickly stood up and met him halfway.

"You shouldn't be in here" I told him I walked past him trying to open the door but he quickly put his hands on the knob and stopped me

"Ava" he breath out, he was close to me and as much as I didn't want to think about it, I was getting affected by his closeness.

I took a step back and he took one close to me making my back hit the door, his hands was still on the knob, trapping me between him and the door.

"Tell me you regret letting me touch that night 5 years ago and last week" he said looking at my lips.

He put his hands on my waist and squeezed lightly, pulling me close to him.

"Tell me you don't like this and you want me to stop" he whispered lowly.

"Ethan, mom and dad..." He put his index finger on my lips shushing me

"They won't find out if you don't tell them, I know you want this Ava" he said tugging at my lips with his fingers

And just like that he kissed me.

Things are getting interested between both of them

For those of you who might be wondering, Ethan left New York when he was 20 years and then Ava was only 16

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