Chapter 1: The Kidnapping

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The day had started like any other at the U.A. High School training camp. Midoriya Izuku, known to his friends as Deku, was filled with a strange sense of unease, an indescribable feeling that something was about to go wrong. He couldn't shake off the lingering anxiety that had settled within him.

As the evening approached, Midoriya's unease grew stronger. The atmosphere around the camp seemed eerily calm, as if the world itself was holding its breath. The students and teachers were unaware of the impending danger that awaited them.

Gathered around the campfire, Midoriya's classmates chatted and laughed, trying to savor their remaining moments of relaxation. Uraraka Ochako, a cheerful girl with gravity manipulation powers, leaned in towards Midoriya.

"Hey, Deku," she whispered, using his nickname. "You've been acting a bit off today. Is something bothering you?"

Midoriya hesitated for a moment before responding, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't explain it, Uraraka, but something doesn't feel right. It's like a weight on my chest."

Uraraka's concerned expression mirrored his own, but before they could delve further into the matter, chaos erupted. The League of Villains had arrived, launching a sudden and brutal assault on the unsuspecting heroes-in-training.

Midoriya's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the chaos unfold. His classmates scrambled to defend themselves, their quirks flaring to life in desperate attempts to repel the attackers. Amidst the confusion, a chilling presence made itself known.

A portal materialized behind Midoriya, and he instinctively turned to face it. Before he could react, a cold hand wrapped around his neck, lifting him off the ground. It was Shigaraki Tomura, the sinister leader of the League of Villains.

"Midoriya Izuku," Shigaraki sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "You've been causing quite a stir, haven't you? You'll make a perfect addition to our ranks."

Fear gripped Midoriya's heart, his mind racing to find a way out of this nightmarish situation. He kicked and struggled, desperately reaching out for his friends, for anyone who could save him. But the League's relentless assault had left his allies occupied, their focus divided.

"Deku!" Bakugou Katsuki, known as Kacchan to Midoriya, yelled with raw determination. He fought his way through the chaos, his explosive quirk obliterating villains in his path. "Let him go, you bastard!"

Uraraka joined Bakugou, her voice filled with urgency. "We won't let you take him! Release Deku!"

But their efforts were in vain. As Midoriya's friends closed in, a surge of power emanated from Shigaraki. With a cruel smirk, he activated the portal behind them, vanishing into the darkness with Midoriya still firmly in his grasp.

"No!" Midoriya cried out, his voice a mix of desperation and determination. "Katchan! Uraraka!"

Tears welled up in Uraraka's eyes as she witnessed her friend being torn away from them. "We won't rest until we bring you back, Deku! Stay strong!"

As the portal closed, Midoriya's last glimpse was of his friends, their faces etched with anguish and determination. He silently vowed to fight against whatever fate awaited him, to protect those he held dear, no matter the cost.

And so, the kidnapping of Midoriya Izuku set in motion a chain of events that would test the bonds of friendship, ignite a burning resolve within his classmates, and push the heroes of U.A. High School to their limits in a battle against darkness they never saw coming.


Hey, hello there, if you're reading this sorry if my english isn't the best... I'm Brazillian and I've been wanting to write this story for a long time. I'm going to try to post 2-3 chapters every day so don't worry about waiting, I've been preparing this story for some months by now so don't worry!

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