Chapter 33: The Horrors Unveiled

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Bakugou's sharp eyes fell upon a stack of dusty video tapes, tucked away in a forgotten corner of the underground lab. Curiosity piqued, he picked one up, the label bearing Midoriya's name sending a chill down his spine. With a grim determination, he signaled the others, and they gathered around as he inserted the tape into an old VCR.

The room flickered to life with the harsh glow of a screen, and the images that played were a nightmarish tableau of Midoriya's ordeal. The class watched in horrified silence as the tape revealed the cruel and inhumane experiments Doctor had subjected Midoriya to.

His once-energetic eyes were hollow, and his pained screams echoed through the room. The relentless torture he endured was unbearable to witness, each scene more gruesome than the last. The room filled with a palpable sense of anguish as Bakugou clenched his fists, his jaw tight with rage.

Todoroki's normally composed expression contorted with fury. "We have to end this. Midoriya can't suffer anymore because of these monsters."

Iida's voice was unsteady, filled with both sorrow and determination. "We will. We'll stop Doctor and Shigaraki, and we'll bring Midoriya back."

Uraraka's eyes welled with tears as she whispered, "No one should ever go through what he did."

The videos served as a cruel reminder of the darkness they were fighting against. The class's collective grief fueled their resolve, galvanizing them to fight with everything they had. They had seen Midoriya's suffering firsthand, and it strengthened their determination to put an end to it.

As the last video played, depicting Midoriya's weakened form, a newfound fire blazed in their eyes. This was the turning point, the moment they swore to bring Midoriya back, no matter the cost.

Bakugou ejected the tape, his grip on it almost crushing. "We use these tapes against them. We expose their cruelty to the world."

Momo nodded, determination etched across her face. "We have evidence now. We can make sure Doctor and Shigaraki pay for what they've done."

Aizawa's voice cut through the tension. "We need to move quickly. We have the proof we need; now we strike."

The class, fueled by anger, sadness, and a fierce determination, prepared to confront Doctor once more. The videos had revealed the extent of Midoriya's suffering, making their mission not just about saving their friend but seeking justice for the atrocities committed against him.

With the weight of those harrowing images in their hearts, they ventured deeper into the underground lab, their minds set on bringing an end to the nightmare that had plagued Midoriya for far too long.

But after hours of relentless searching in the underground lab, Class 1A and Aizawa reluctantly came to a painful realization: Doctor had managed to elude their grasp once again. The evidence they had gathered from the videos was a powerful weapon, but without Doctor in custody, their mission felt incomplete.

Iida, his voice heavy with disappointment, spoke up, "We have no choice. Without a lead on Doctor's whereabouts, it's futile to continue here. We need to regroup at UA and devise a new plan."

Todoroki, though visibly frustrated, nodded in agreement. "We can't let our anger blind us. Going back to UA will give us a chance to strategize with everyone and figure out our next move."

Uraraka, her eyes still moist from the horrors they had witnessed, added, "We have the evidence. Now, it's about making sure it reaches the right hands and brings Doctor to justice."

Aizawa, ever the pragmatic leader, chimed in, "Our priority is to keep Midoriya safe. We'll use the evidence we have to involve the authorities. Doctor won't escape the consequences of his actions."

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