Chapter 29: Desperate Message

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In the middle of the night, Midoriya awoke, feeling an overwhelming sense of urgency. His mind was momentarily his own, free from the suffocating grasp of Shigaraki's control. He knew he had limited time before he would be consumed once again by the darkness.

With a mix of desperation and determination, Midoriya surveyed his surroundings. His eyes flickered from object to object until they landed on a flower vase sitting on a nearby table. Without hesitation, he reached out and snatched it, the sound of shattering glass breaking the silence of the room.

Blood trickled down from Midoriya's palm as he grasped a sharp shard of glass. With the makeshift instrument in his hand, he pressed it against his skin, carving letters onto his palm. The pain was irrelevant compared to the urgency of his message.

Using his blood as ink, Midoriya wrote a distorted message on the walls. The letters were uneven and jagged, reflecting the turmoil within his mind. He etched the names "Shigaraki" and "Doctor" onto the surface, drawing arrows pointing towards them, emphasizing their significance.

Midoriya's trembling hands didn't allow for precision, but he managed to draw crude illustrations of syringes and experimental tanks. Every drawing related to scientific experiments was marked with an arrow pointing towards the name "Doctor," symbolizing the source of his torment.

As he worked feverishly, Midoriya could feel the control slipping away, the red glow intensifying in his eyes. Time was running out, and he knew that he had to make his message as clear as possible, even in his state of internal struggle.

The room bore witness to Midoriya's desperate plea for help, his blood-stained words and crude drawings telling a story of suffering and manipulation. He hoped that his friends would decipher the distorted message, that they would understand the depths of his torment and the danger he faced.

Exhausted and weakened, Midoriya stared at his blood-stained hand, his vision becoming blurry. He knew that his time of clarity was fading, and soon he would be engulfed once more in the grip of Shigaraki's control.

But despite the encroaching darkness, a flicker of hope burned within Midoriya. He prayed that his message would be discovered, that his friends would decipher the hidden truths within his cryptic drawings. The fate of his salvation rested in their hands.

As Midoriya succumbed to the relentless tug of the darkness, he whispered a silent plea into the night, hoping against all odds that his friends would find the answers he so desperately sought—the answers that would lead them to his rescue, and ultimately, his redemption.

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