Chapter 18: Desperate Measures

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Aizawa's voice was barely a whisper as he turned to Momo, the gravity of the situation etched on his face. "Momo, we need a sedative to subdue Midoriya. Can you create one quickly?"

Momo nodded, her mind racing as she focused on producing the sedative. She knew the urgency of the moment and worked diligently to craft a potent solution.

Once the sedative was ready, Momo handed it to Aizawa, who took it with a sense of determination. He approached Midoriya cautiously, the needle in his hand. But as he tried to pierce Midoriya's hardened skin, he realized that it was nearly impenetrable. The modified body Midoriya possessed made him even more resistant than before.

In a sudden burst of movement, Midoriya retaliated against Aizawa's attempt, attacking him with a speed and strength that shocked everyone present. Aizawa, caught off guard, was forced to retreat, dropping the sedative in the process.

Todoroki, assessing the situation quickly, understood the gravity of the moment. He knew that to save Midoriya, they needed to act swiftly, even if it meant causing him temporary pain. He reached for the fallen sedative and activated his Quirk, heating the needle until it glowed red-hot.

Regret etched across his face, Todoroki approached Midoriya with a heavy heart. "I'm sorry, Midoriya," he murmured, his voice laden with sadness.

With determined precision, Todoroki injected the heated needle into Midoriya's arm, the sedative beginning to take effect. Midoriya's struggles weakened, his monstrous form gradually succumbing to the calming embrace of sleep.

The room fell silent, the weight of their actions heavy upon the heroes. They knew that what they had done was necessary, but it didn't ease the ache in their hearts. Their friend lay still before them, momentarily relieved of the torment he had endured.

Aizawa, his expression weary yet resolute, addressed the class. "We must move quickly. With Midoriya sedated, we have a small window of opportunity. We need to find a way to reverse the effects of Shigaraki's manipulation and restore Midoriya to his true self."

The heroes nodded, a renewed determination burning in their eyes. They understood the risks they were undertaking, but they were prepared to face any challenge if it meant saving their friend.

As they continued their mission to rescue Midoriya, their actions became a testament to their unwavering belief in the power of friendship and the resilience of the human spirit. They would not give up, even in the face of the darkest shadows that threatened to consume their world. For Midoriya, for their shared dreams, they would fight until the very end.

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