Paper Dolls

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I felt something nudge my shoulder. I was in bed. The bed was warm. I went back to sleep.

"Harper?" Ms. Windsor's voice whispered.

"Uggghhh..." My eyes were sooooooo heavy.

Another nudge at my shoulder "Harper?" Ms. Windsor whispered, this time with more urgency.

"Uggghh...?" I cracked my eyes open. It was still dark outside. "What time... is it..." I groaned.

"Six," she whispered.

"I... I... didn't set the fire... I swear..." I just really wanted to go back to sleep.

"Harper, Graham's coming for you." She nudged me again. "He said something about community service?"

"Ughh..." That sounded like I was going to have to get up. "Ughhh..." I took a deep breath and pulled the sheets off my face. "Ahh... he's a jerk."

Ms. Windsor smiled at that, looking tired herself. She was in her nightgown. "The period-correct term is 'Mutton Shunter,' but don't call him that, he'd probably like it."

As I sat up in bed, holding my sheets, I found my gaze drawn to my fingernails. They were still painted peach and lavender from last night, still looking very feminine.

Ms. Windsor glanced at them, probably because I had, and I felt myself blush. She rubbed her eyes, saying, "He's coming at seven thirty to get you, but I wanted to give you time to prepare."

"Prepare for what?"

"I don't know," she groaned. "He texted me to say you should be dressed for work. Whatever that means." She gulped. "What did you do?"

"I... made him walk me home?... and I guess I did kind of volunteer for community service. I just thought it would be, you know, at normal hours. I didn't know he was going to be a... mutton shunter about it."

She shook her head, sighing. "Best advice, never give that man an opening."

"Uhhh..." A groan came from Nora's bed... from under Nora's bed. But Nora herself was still snoring.

And then Whim slipped out from under the bed with a blanket and a pillow, still wearing her maid's uniform. She tip-toed over to us and whispered, "Last night, Norilla Gorilla ordered me to guard her bed, and keep any monsters from hiding under it."

Ms. Windsor shrugged as though that explained everything, and so did I. It was Whim after all.

"I have to go, back to sleep," said Ms. Windsor, "I have seventeen other girls to look after tomorrow." She yawned and sidled out the door.

While it –the door– was swinging shut; it –the door– stopped, and two faces appeared: Christie's and Suzi's.

"Did you hear all that?" asked Whim.

"Graham's coming for Harper?" Christie asked.

"Community service?" a muffled voice came from Nora's bed, from Nora this time.

"Mut-ton Shun-ter," Suzi carefully pronounced.

"What are we going to do?" asked Christie.

"Mind our own business? And let him take Harper?" said Whim, narrowing her eyes, as she looked from person to person.

"I think not," Nora groaned, sliding out of bed.

"It might not be that bad—" I said.

" 'Dressed for work'? He's probably going to make you scrub toilets in the jail," said Whim.

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