Milkshake Confidential

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I woke to the soft patting of rain on the lawn outside my window, dim from the overcast day.

Nora must have gone to bed after me and woken up before me, because I didn't see her during the night. Exhausted from yesterday, I counted twelve hours of sleep, from eleven at night to eleven in the morning, a new personal record.

The sounds of a heated discussion carried in from the hall.

"She's still not answering her phone." Tilly's voice.

"Try again and keep trying. I'm responsible for her." Ms. Windsor's.

And on, and on...

I lay in bed, pondering Victoria. She had been trying to get me kicked out. She'd stolen money, kidnapped Inspector Bun Bun... And yet, I was worried about her. There was something fragile about her, something that seemed like it might break. And Whim... Whim was either about to do something really stupid, or really brave.

Getting up, I lifted the corner of my mattress. The money Victoria had collected to frame me was still there... But what about that other money? It must have been the kidnapper who left it. And he—they must have let Victoria return the bunny. So... she must have known them?

I shook my head, confused. Whim would have it all worked out already.

My phone buzzed. A text from Justin [Dude? I'm finally done. Lunch?]

My eyes caught on the word 'dude,' and bounced to the candy-colored nails on the fingers I was using to reply. Sure, I'd have to get cleaned up, but a guy lunch, just like old times, sounded comfortable.

[Lunch!] I texted back.

[Elroy's Diner Okay?]

[I don't know it. It is near here?]

He sent me a map link. It was just a few blocks away, in the regular part of town.

[Cool. What time?] I texted.

[I'm already there. But I can wait, catch up on Naruto]

[I still have to get up. But I'll come asap]

[No problemo 😛]

Racing into the bathroom, I checked the mirror. My eyes were still black-lined, my lips still red, from the maiko makeup I'd failed to fully scrub off last night, but at least my hair was clean.

I'd need to remove the nail polish first, so I grabbed Nora's acetone, dabbed a cotton ball and set to work.

And nothing... The nails stayed shiny and hard, like I had dabbed them with water, still the peach and lavender of flower petals.

I crept into the hall, thankful that Ms. Windsor and Tilly had departed, and found Christie in her room reading.

"How do I get this off?" I asked, flicking at my nails.

"Is that gel?" she asked. When I looked back confused, she followed up with, "Did Suzi put it on with a UV light?"


"You'll have to ask her. Normal stuff won't work."

"Yeah, I figured that out. Where is she?"

"In town?" Christie shrugged. "I can call her? Or ask around and see if anyone else knows."

I nodded and headed back into the bathroom. The eyeliner wasn't coming off, not easily, and a tinge of red clung to my lips, seemingly stained.

Christie popped through the door and shrugged. "No one else knows. Is it a matter of life and death?"

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