Mutten Shunter

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So... it was only 7:10, twenty minutes before Graham was set to 'come get me.' But seeing how Suzi and I were already headed out the door, and that she couldn't understand English, I thought it might work better if we launched a preemptive strike, to get to him first.

Once we were outside and away from the chatter of the school, I noticed my feet were jingling.

From somewhere deep inside the thick-heeled wooden sandals I was wearing, with each step, I heard a bell. I stopped to try to pick up a heel and take a look, but the kimono didn't afford that much leg movement.

Suzi nudged me, gave me a curious glance, pointed at my feet and nodded. And as we walked on, I noticed her feet were –not– jingling.

"You know," I told Suzi. "If Nora had told me this whole summer was going to turn me into a girl... and now I think I'm turning Japanese..." I sighed. "I really think so."

"No English," she shrugged back.

"I know. That's why I said it," I shrugged, and we continued on our way, me jingling with every step.

It was still early when we got to the clothing-enforced zone, but there were tourists, and I saw more than a few of them pointing to us and sneaking looks. A few snapped pictures, and it wasn't too long before a group of four middle-aged women came up.

"You both look so beautiful. Could we get a picture with you?" one asked.

I wasn't sure how authentically Asian I looked, but I sure knew I didn't sound Asian. I was worried, stressing about opening my mouth. I felt like a fraud, an imposter.

Then Suzi nodded, saying, "Batha rooms thata way," and pointed to the ones behind the clock tower.

The women looked disappointed.

"Sorry, sorry," I said, "We need to check in, but I guess we can do a quick photo." And when no one called me on my voice, I realized it was a dumb thing to stress out about, there were plenty of Japanese people who could speak in an American accent, and for many of them—or us?—it was native.

We all huddled together for a photo.

And then Graham walked up.

"Would you like me to take the picture?" He asked the woman with her phone out.

She smiled, handed him her phone, then ran over, and the whole group smooshed together. Graham smiled, handed the camera back and set off for the school.

He hadn't recognized me...

"Graham!" I called after him, but he was already too far away, and I didn't want to scream. So, having to take short steps, I started sort of hobble-ran after him, my feet jingling all the way.

It took me half a block to catch up, and even then, I only managed it because he stopped for no apparent reason. And when he did, I ended up sort of plowing into him. But he's a big guy, so it didn't bother him much. Me on the other hand, I started falling back, and had to grab onto his jacket to stay upright.

He flinched, looking scared of me.

"Graham! It's me!" I said, as I started falling again.

He caught me, "Harper? You look... different." He let go of me and straightened his uniform.

"Well, yeah you said be ready to work, so here we are."

"We?" he asked, giving me a funny look.

I pointed to Suzi who, walking at normal speed, was just catching up. "Greeters, right?"

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