Chapter 2:-Truth. Truth. Truth.

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Radhe Radhe readers💙🦚✨,

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"~Solomon

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Shit! Why did I have to get noticed always?
Why don't I have those sneaky genes?
And a brain that makes the right judgments of the situation?

"Yaa mum I am back home," I made an effort to cover up the situation. Keyword effort. I don't want to figure out what they were discussing." Going to take a nap"

"Come here," Father spoke up again showcasing his authoritative self. Like I am a dog.

"I am tired, I need rest," I replied indifferently going to my room.

"I said come here! Don't you understand?"

"I said I am tired, Can't you just listen?" I replied still covering the path to my room.

"Harsh, Come here for a second please" Mum, the peacekeeper, was more advising than ordering. She used my nickname as if it would work out my rebellious attitude.

I sighed, I didn't want to go.
I kept my bag on the cabinet and walked the whole way back to the living room.


"What?" I said trying to sound calm, this is too much after a hectic day at school. Can't they just leave me alone for some time?

Father muttered something under his breath, which wasn't significant at that moment at least. Mum glared at me.

You must be pondering that what's in just coming downstairs for a second, it's just I am tired and it's all irritating me at the end. I sighed and muttered 'Hey Krishna' Chanting his name helped me a lot in handling my grumpy nature.

"Look I am very sorry for my behavior but I need rest right now. Can we just finish it so that I can head towards the room?" They all conveyed each other a look and Mum nodded.

"So Harsh meet them" She gestured towards the two men standing right in front of me "They are Eshaan and Darsh" Ohk! The calm one was Eshaan and The other one was Darsh. Darsh, It's Krishna's name I guess! I read it in one of my spiritual books, which I am reading these days. But guess what he has some alternate effects of his name.

"Well, they claim to be your biological brothers!" What?
An initial wave of amazement ran through my body. Are they serious about it? No, they can't be!

"I don't have any brothers and you know it better than me Mum"

"You have" Mum said.

I stood there astounded, processing what information Mum had just given me.
Mum's eyes teared up as she passed me an envelope. I opened it, It possessed a DNA test report which was an absolute proof of what Mum just said.

Mum sniffled beside me but I was too dumbfounded to comfort her.

No this can't happen, I was never informed about them even if they are my biologicals.

"You know what just stay away from my kid! I had paid money for her every single need so far while you were busy enjoying your lives. You can't just come up and claim that she is your sister" Father spat. I shook my head in annoyance.

"She is our sister and we will surely prove it in court. If you want you can apply for shared custody or otherwise we will win full custody over her" Eshaan spoke with agitation in his voice and calmness still playing on his features. He looked dangerously calm.

Reasonably, I had seen better.

"Are you both done with it?" Before you accuse me, This wasn't me, It was Mum. Both shut their mouths as she scolded them while I stood there amused by the scene.

I looked over at Darsh, who was watching me as if noting my every action. I passed him an amused look while he gave me a small smile in return. I averted my gaze quickly as his eyes went blank again when we heard Mum's lecture coming to an end.

"This matter can't be solved by bickering over your relationship with her. This matter has to be taken to the court." Both of them nodded obediently.

"We will see you in court Mr. Eshaan Malhotra" Mum returned him the DNA test results.

"Sure Mrs.Singh," Eshaan replied with a smirk."And do teach your husband how to handle petty situations"
I chuckled a bit at his not-so-necessary remark, which wasn't overlooked by all.

Both Eshaan and Darsh made their way to the front door while Eshaan glanced back at me, I swear, I saw his features soften for a second until he masked it up again. He waved at me while I just joined my hands saying "Hare Krishna"(Indian salutation)

He returned the same gesture and I saw a hint of amusement in those cold eyes, He slowly made his way out.
My Krishna Consciousness shows up either way.

I sat on the sofa and leaned on it while massaging my head. What's wrong with everyone here? I still needed to go to my room and lay down on my comfy and clean bed drifting into a deep slumber until my mum scolded me to throw me out of the house.

How the hell did this even happen, I need to ask Mum about it. When these brothers came up out of nowhere?

I went to my room. Finally. This was all too much to take. Too stressing. I lay on the mattress and shut my eyelids, letting the darkness consume me.


Radhe Radhe💙🦚✨

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