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the whispers

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the whispers

The next morning, the bedroom was buzzing as soon as the lights turned on. The islanders were chatting, and Molly made her way in from the outside, sitting beside Sienna in her bed. "Happy Birthday Zach," Sienna called out as the boy propped himself up against the headboard. Slowly but surely, everyone got up, and Sienna gave the birthday boy a tight squeeze before heading out to the firepit with Whitney, Leah and Molly. 

Leah went on to chat about her first evening with Tyrique, and her plans to chat with Ella. The girls then eagerly listened to Whitney talk about how she felt with Mehdi, before turning to Molly who admitted she did still want to keep getting to know Michael more. 

"Girl, go for it," Sienna laughed. "Zach and I chatted last night after the recoupling and it's almost like us being apart is making both of us want to be together more you know?"

After Sienna got ready for the morning, she decided to head into the kitchen and cook Zach a birthday breakfast while he got a workout in. She didn't even realize he was coaching Charlotte when she came over. "Sorry to interrupt babes, I just wanted to let Zach know I'd made him a bit of brekkie."

"No worries," Charlotte said as Zach grinned. 

"I'm gonna go use this loo here and then eat," Sienna said to the boy, before heading into the bathroom. As she came out, Zach was still stood there so she stood by him for a sec, before heading away from the gym. 

"I'm right behind you," Zach said to the girl, as she turned around, now cluing into the whispers of her name from the group on the beanbags. 

"Anything to share with the class?" Sienna raised a brow as she looked at them, all of them looking back to her. "I heard my name, so wanted to check."

"Nah you're fine babe, just go back to Zach," Jess waved her off. 

"Jess do we need to have a chat or something? What's the deal?" Sienna asked the girl who clearly had something on her mind. 

"Nothing, just go back to guarding your man," Jess smirked. 

"Girl, I was letting him know I made him a breakfast. on his. birthday," Sienna said slowly. "You have got to get a fucking grip. If you've got something to say, say it with your chest to my face."

At that point Sienna turned around and headed to the kitchen, where the two plates of breakfast were waiting. Zach was only a second behind her, and tried to bring up the tense conversation but Sienna wanted to move on. After they ate, Zach went back to complete his workout while Sienna headed to Catherine and Whitney. 

"What was all of that about?" the girls asked, clearly having seen the tense conversation from earlier. 

"I don't know it its because I called Jess out for her hard on for Molly, but Jess and probably Ella, were talking shit about me being territorial over Zach because I went over to tell him I made him breakfast, and I guess I stood there for too long," Sienna rolled her eyes. "It's just fucking childish. If that isn't your man, why do you care if I'm jealous? I hope Charlotte wasn't uncomfortable and if she was I would apologize, but they just were shit talking and I told her to say it to my face next time."

It wasn't longer before the islanders we all called over to the fire pit to go through a game of dares, where two islanders had to pop a balloon in a sexy way to reveal the dare. As the game went on, the dares got juicier. Sienna went up, choosing Andre as her partner and having the boy pop their balloon doggy style. 

Her dare told her to reel in like a fish the islander she thought was the best catch, and give them a snog. The brunette pretended to think for a minute, before throwing out her line to Zach, and heading over to give the boy a cheeky kiss. 

Sammy went on to say he thought Leah fancied him, Charlotte got to kiss who she wanted while all the islanders closed their eyes (but everyone knew she kissed Ty). Zach chose Charlotte as the one who was all talk, and Jess chose Ty as the most two faced. Though by the way she was whispering, she should've kissed herself. They ended off with some more kisses, and Whitney calling Molly a game player before dispersing. 

The girls debriefed on the challenge but Sienna literally tried to sleep through it as she couldn't deal with the drama of it. Luckily it didn't take long for them to all start trickling upstairs to get ready for the night. 

Charlotte led the islanders in their toast that evening, everyone cheering before breaking off into couples and groups. "We've got to work on your style," Sienna said as she pulled at the black hoodie Zach was wearing. "I know you're got more than that, c'mon."

"You can dress me tomorrow night then," Zach offered with a laugh. 

"Done," Sienna held out her hand for a shake. The two were pulled apart by Charlotte pulling Zach for a chat, and Michael grabbing Sienna. 

"How are you today then?"Sienna asked the boy as they sat. 

"Yeah, the game was fun," Michael laughed. "I just wanted to say like, I think I can tell you are really feeling Zach. And for me, I am feeling more of a connection with other girls too."

"Oh good," Sienna said. "That is totally fine. I mean regardless, we're coupled up, we have to be chatting and getting to know each other. But it sounds like both of us see better connections, and it would be dumb for either of us not to follow that."

"I agree," Michael laughed. 

"And if you need any girl advice, grab me, I got you," she laughed as she clinked her glass against his. Sienna got up at that point, going off to find Zach at the fire pit. The two sat there, weirdly enough talking about pizza toppings when everyone keyed into the argument between Jess, Catherine and Whitney, the blonde storming inside followed by the other two. 

"Here we go," Sienna shook her head as Whitney and Catherine came out, the first girl heading to Mehdi while Catherine joined Zach and Sienna. "I'll leave you two girls to your girl chat," he laughed as he stood up and sauntered across the decking. 

"Do I even want to know what happened?" Sienna asked the Irish girl. 

"So like, we brought up the challenge where everyone thought Jess was going to choose Molly. And she didn't, but then she was whispering about it. And Whit and I were like, the whispering needs to stop," Catherine explained. "And she started crying."

"I'm glad someone said it," Sienna shrugged. "I feel like she always has something to say to Molly but when she got the opportunity to be open about her feelings, she wouldn't. It's just not nice to hear, and when she did it to me, it's fine because I can give it right back to her. But Molly doesn't seem like the girl to push back, and she knows she's being talked about."

"I agree, it's just too much, it needs to stop," Catherine said. The two girls chatted some more before getting up and heading into the kitchen for a snack. When Jess returned, Catherine headed over to chat with her and Whitney before the islanders all settled down for the night. 

ok girly pops, if I write a scott story, should I replace a post casa bombshell? or have them connect pre casa? whatchu thinking? I have some ideas swirling but want to know what the peeps would most like to read :D

also soz I had to republish this story, the tags were being weird!

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