Chapter 3: Let's Wing It

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It had been a long and tiring couple of hours, and Aggro and Summer were still searching for the cloaked woman. The sun was now beginning to set and still no luck, Summer and Aggro were beginning to get tired, but they had to keep searching, no matter how long it took.

"Oh for the love of night furies! Where on earth is she?" Aggro asked aloud, starting to get both annoyed and tired.

"I don't know, but it makes me want to scream." Leyla muttered with a frustrated groan.

"Go on ahead," Summer told her with a small laugh. "Neither of us will stop you."

Leyla nodded before doing that, only to accidentally activate the sonar ability.

"Whoa!" Leyla said. "What in the name of night furies was that?"

"What was what, Ley?" Summer asked, blinking and tilting her head to the side in confusion.

"When I screamed it felt like I released a wave of sound that bounced back," Leyla told them, flicking her tail from left to right as she stared at them. "And when it did I could hear what was around me."

"That's not a Fastfin ability," Summer said with a confused frown as she and Aggro flew closer. "Well, at least, not one that I know of anyway." She added shortly afterwards with a thoughtful expression crossing her face.

Leyla frowned and tilted her head to the side in thought. "I'm honestly not sure," she told them truthfully.

"Hmm, maybe it's from the spell?" Aggro said with a thoughtful expression forming on her face. "Try it again, Ley." She prompted the other Fastfin with a slight nod of her head.

Nodding her head, Leyla did so, finding out that it was a lot easier with her eyes closed. It took a few try's, but eventually she got the technique down. "Hey! There it is again!" Leyla cried in both amazement and glee. "It feels like I'm trying to use a water blast but I'm releasing sound waves instead of water."

"That's really strange," Summer replied after a few moments of silence. "I could hear it that time."

"Not me, I can't hear anything." Aggro said with a baffled look on her face. "But if Leyla did it then why can Summer hear it?"

"Hmm... I wonder," Leyla said before looking to Summer. "You said before that you were really young when you left your family, maybe it's an ability that you were never told about? Try it."

"H2Oh boy, I don't know about this but I'll give it a try!" Summer said, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. It took a few tries but she eventually got the technique down. "Woah! That is amazing! I did it! I really did it!" She cheered while doing a few flips in excitement.

"And it looks like it helped us find out where that cloaked woman is hiding!" Leyla agreed, noticing that they had found a cave hidden by an overhanging tree deeper in the woods.

"Wait what? Where?" Aggro asked her, blinking in confusion and looking around from side to side in an attempt to find the place Leyla was talking about.

"The sound showed her that she's in a cave, and it looks like she's mixing some strange things together in a large pot of some sort." Summer replied while pointing with her tail to the cave opening. "I managed to send the sound blast right into the cave by pure luck."

"Well then come on! Let's go down there and confront her!" Aggro said as they headed that way and landed in front of the cave.

As they tried to sneak up on her, she reached to the side for another vial, only to see it was empty, before turning around to get another and seeing them. And cackling, charging an orb of electrical energy in her hand, and took aim at Summer, causing Leyla to take a page out of Summer's book.

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