Chapter 9: The Dragon Flu

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A few days later Riptide was playing with Aggro as Summer was racing Winger using the water method Riptide used before, with Dak as referee, and Burple was shooting targets in the sky while Cutter was shooting them, when suddenly Riptide started coughing.

"You okay?" Aggro asked, coming closer.

"I don't...ACHOOO!" She said sneezing, while sending a blast of water knocking Aggro back.

"What was that for!" Aggro said getting up and glowing while glaring at Riptide before paling when she noticed that Riptide had shaking legs before she collapsed, still coughing with a runny nose, and some sneezes that sent out uncontrolled water blasts, while shivering with chills.

"I don't feel so well," Riptide said miserably.

"Wait a minute," Aggro said, looking over her and paled. "Oh no, with all those symptoms you have the same thing we did when we learned about Summer's fear of eels."

"You mean..." Riptide coughed and looked up at Aggro with wide eyes. "Is this what I think it is?"

Aggro nodded her head sadly in response.

"The dreaded Dragon Flu!" Aggro nodded, before looking around, seeing Winger and Summer were too far away in their race around the entire island, while Burple and Cutter had run out of targets and were searching for more on the neighboring island. She tried to think of what to do when she remembered it only affected dragons. "Alright I have a plan."

With that Aggro moved underneath Riptide, and being very glad that she was stronger than she looked, carried her all the way to the Roost, and set her down outside it.

"Okay," Aggro said, panting and shaking out her wings. "Dreaded Dragon Flu only affects dragons, and no one can see you here. So change back to human."

"OkACHOO!" Riptide said, sneezing another water blast that Aggro dodged. "Metamorphose." Riptide began glowing only for it to fade with her still a dragon.

"I must be stuck as a dragon until I'm cured," Riptide coughed. "It is a dragon only disease."

"You need the help kelp then, but bringing you here made the others too far away to help." Aggro said before getting a determined look. "But you're my friend, so I'll get it for you. I just need to get that diving helmet from when we went to Valantis. And I need to hurry before I come down with the disease from carrying you, But first..."

With that Aggro made a nearby fire to keep away the chill from Riptide, and headed into the Roost, coming out a few minutes later wearing a diving helmet and flying out to where the help kelp was last time they needed it, and diving in.

Underwater Aggro swam towards the Help Kelp, only to pause in fear when she saw the eels.

"Focus!" Aggro said after a few minutes. "It's for Riptide."

With that she slowly sneaks past the eels, and gathers Help Kelp into a bag, and snuck past, unfortunately as she was watching the eels to make sure she wasn't seen, she ended up bumping into the last eel who attacked her.

"Let me go!" She said as it wrapped around her and she warmed her body up so the eel cringed before it found the helmet was cooler, and wrapped around that until with a creak, the helmet broke into pieces.

"No! No! No!" Aggro cried out as water started to flood her body, putting out her fire as the eel closed in for the kill while she drowned. ""

Suddenly as she struggled not to drown, while the eel held on again she remembered an old story she was told as a hatchling, about how her family had been fire furies for generations, but before that they were a direct descendant of the last Water Fury who once said that in order to save someone they consider family one of her descendants would unlock the powers of a water fury.

Well...Aggro considered Riptide a sister and she was determined to get the Help Kelp to her to save her from the Dragon Flu, while not deadly to dragons normally, Riptide was part human, who knew if she could survive. Suddenly it was like something clicked inside her and her body began to blow a soft blue instead of the red she normally glows. She suddenly found it easy to breathe before blasting the eel in the face with a water blast, causing it to release her. She then released another blast of water, sending it out of the water and into the air where it landed disoriented on a still racing Winger, who screamed in fear and shook it off onto land and blasted it with a Power Blast while it was still confused.

"And don't come back!" Aggro shouted, still glowing and not knowing what happened to it.

"Aggro!" Summer said, causing Aggro to turn around to see her. "How are you..."

"No time to explain!" Aggro said while heading to the surface. "I'll explain later, but right now I have to get this to Riptide."

With that Aggro shot out of the water followed by Summer and together, the two dragons headed back to Riptide while Winger followed close behind, having seen her come out of the water near where the eel did while Cutter and Burple came over as well, Cutter having seen the eel fly out with his super vision. All of them were confused as to why and how Aggro was glowing a soft blue.

"Here Riptide," Aggro said, landing next to her and handing the help kelp to her while taking a piece for herself just in case. "This will help with your Dragon Flu."

"Thanks Aggro," Riptide said before tilting her head to the side, a bit confused about why Aggro was glowing. "But why are you glowing blue? And where is your diving helmet?"

"That's what we want to know too," Dak said with the others behind Aggro. "Though I'm glad you're okay."

"Well you see..." Aggro blushed as she stopped glowing. "While my family have been Fire Furies for generations, before that we are descended from the last Water Fury. Apparently, when she said that in order to save someone they consider family one of her descendants would unlock the powers of a water fury, which meant that it wasn't just a story that my family used to tell. I unlocked the ability when I was drowning after an eel destroyed my diving helmet, but I was determined to get the Help Kelp to you, Riptide. And I do consider you a sister."

"Thanks Aggro, and I see you as a sister too!" Riptide smiled before cheering. "Also that IS SO COOL!"

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