Chapter 18: Double Date Gone Wrong

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It had been about a week and a half since Summer, Riptide, and Aggro had taken the kids to their secret base and had to carry them home after they'd eaten an eel. While the image of their kids being as puffed up as a Puffertail, the fact that they ate an eel still gave the three older dragons chills.

And so, a week and a half later, the two Fastfins were headed to Coconut Island for a date, and along the way they had run into Dart and Heiđrún, who had both decided to tag along, making it into a double date.

Riptide, Summer, Dart, and Heiđrún were on a double date, and were having fun. Summer and Riptide were currently swimming, and showing off some tricks for Dart and Heiđrún.

"Nice one, Summer!" Heiđrún said as Summer burst out of the water and did a loop the loop without using her wings to fly.

"Hey, look! Here comes Riptide." Dart said, seeing her wake, unfortunately all their tricks had gotten the attention of something very dangerous.

As Riptide was about to do her trick there was a sudden explosion of water as an eel jumped out of the water and swallowed Riptide whole.

Everyone paled at that.

"Riptide!" They all screamed in terror.

Meanwhile, Riptide landed with a splash in acid.

"Ow...ow...ow!" She said, looking around and realizing there was no place not covered in acid. "Let me out!" She yelled in vain, but nobody could hear her cries from inside the eel's stomach.

She tried to claw her way to freedom, only to pale when she realized the stomach was too thick. And water blasts and sonic attacks wouldn't help her. She was trapped.

Summer, Dart, and Heiđrún chased after the eel trying to save Riptide, ignoring their own fear of eels for the moment, as it noticed three dragons flying at it, and with its stomach a quarter full of dragon it did not want to risk losing its meal, and swam away.

"I'll stop it!" Heiđrún said, charging a plasma blast.

"Heiđrún! No! Don't shoot the eel!" Summer yelled, knocking her aim off and causing her to hit a cliff instead with a big explosion. "If you hit the eel with that you could kill Riptide."

"Oops. I'm sorry." Heiđrún said, looking away sheepishly as the explosion had been much bigger then expected.

"Um, hey, girls?" Dart yelled, getting their attention. "I hate to break it to you, but the eel is gone!"

And it was true, dealing with the blast had let the eel escape.

"Oh no..." Summer muttered, just collapsing as Dart and Heiđrún were forced to hold her in the air. "Riptide..."

Luckily for them, all hope was not lost. While the blast had let the eel escape, it had also hit a store house on the cliff for a now deceased witch, and while most of the potions had exploded, one had been blasted away and landed and broke on the eel, causing it to become extremely hungry, and it saw a school of fish a bit away, and deeper that it began to feed on. More and more.

Inside the stomach, Riptide was crying in pain as the acid was burning her when she got hit in the face by a fish.

"What in the name of night furies is going on?" She cried out in confusion as more and more fish began to fill the area. "Yuck! This is just plane nasty!"

So many fish in fact, that she was running out of room, and had to change back to human not to be crushed. Though it did not last for long.

"Yuck! This is so gross." Leyla whined as more and more fish came in the stomach and while it made a platform to stay out of the acid it did leave her being buried alive in fish until she could not move a muscle, and she closed her eyes in defeat. "So this is how it ends, huh?" A stay tear rolled down her face as she thought about how much she would miss her mate.

She had just passed out when the eel ate one fish too many, and quite literally ate so much it exploded, and luckily for her Aggro had been hunting before hiding when she saw the eel, and noticed Leyla passed out in the explosion due to her red skin from the acid standing out.

Aggro then took her back to the Roost, arriving just as Summer, Dart, and Heiđrún did, and together, they all helped treat her injuries.

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