chapter 1: rain

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Mine~> 3 months pregnant

The day where I'd learn what the gender of my baby was quickly approaching and I couldn't wait.

I didn't really care about if it was a girl or boy. I just knew that whatever Allah gave me, I was blessed.

"So who's going to read Surah-Al-Fatiha first?" I ask the girls with a smile.

"Can I?" 5 yr old, Khadijah asks.

"Yes, yes of course." I reply, nodding encouragingly.

Khadijah then slowly begins reading Surah-Al-Fatiha with my guidance. Her pronunciation was improving and I was beyond impressed.

"That was amazing, Khadijah." I tell her with a warm hug.

"Can you tell my Mum that?" She asks, eagerly.


There was always one thing that they craved the most in their lives.

Appreciation from their parents.

It wasn't something that was really easy to understand but being an adult, it was something anyone would want to have.

Being able to see their mum or dads face being lit up in joy as you learnt a new word or Surah was worth all the work.

But it was something I'd never get.

"Ustadah? Can you?" Khadijah asks again, smiling widely.

"Yes, I'll tell your mum how amazing her daughter read today." I say, nodding.

"Ustadah the time is 7pm, can we go now?" My other student, Maya asks.

Checking the time on my phone, it read 6:59pm.

Shaking my head, I put my niqab on and began escorting the kids out of the room to their parents.

"My mum's there." Khadijah says, pointing to the woman dressed in black.

I nod to her and walk with her as all the other students had gone home.

"Asalamulaikum." I say to Khadijah's mum.

"Walaikumsalam, sis. How was this little one?" Her mum asks with a warm smile.

"Alhamdulilah her reading has improved a lot. Today she almost mastered reading Surah Fatiha." I reply, putting my thumbs up to Khadijah to which she does the same.

"Really?" Her mum asks, looking to her daughter with pride.

"Really." I reply, smiling widely.

After giving my Salam to Khadijah and her mum I quickly return to the room to grab my belongings before leaving the mosque.

I would usually stay for another half hour but today I felt a little tired so I decided to go home.

Making my way downstairs to leave the mosque, I realise that it's beginning to rain.

As the water droplets fall from the sky, my stomach starts rumbling.

Astaghfirallah, I think to myself.

Neha now is not the time.

Waiting for another 10 minutes, i realise that the rain isn't stopping anytime soon.

"Should I make a run for it?" I ask myself.

"Neha?" A low voice asks from the other side of the sidewalk.

Surprising the hell out of me, my eyes widen and my arm immediately wraps around my stomach.

Turning to my right in shock, I quickly look up to notice the man.

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