chapter 5: awkward talks

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"You ready, Haadi?" Baba asks as I put on my jacket.

"I'm coming." I sigh.

"Don't worry, I'll be there." Hala whispered with a grin.

It was already the day where I'd meet with the Saidis and I was dreading it.

I tried every excuse in the book yesterday to get myself out of this but nothing worked.

Half an hour later we arrived at their house and thankfully there were no more than 5 people in the house.

Usually at meetings like this there would be a house packed of people but Baba knew that I didn't want to make this a big deal since I wouldn't even be accepting this.

"Asalamulaikum." I said as I took my shoes off at the door.

"Walaikumsalam, Haadi. Ma'Sha'Allah you've gotten so big!" Mr Saidi replied, cheerfully.

The last time I saw them was before Mum died and Baba stopped seeing family friends that much since it was too hard.

"Jazahkhallah'Khair." I say with a small smile.

Looking around for the living room, I see 2 girls who I assumed to be Fatimas mum and sister. There was a little boy as well who was probably 5 years old.

"Salam, little man. What's your name?" I ask him, bending down so I'm the same height as him.

"Amar!" He replied with a smile.

"Well Amar my name's Haadi, why don't you show me where the living room is." I respond with a smile.

"Come on!" He agrees, pulling me with him.

Laughing, Amar's mum smiled to which I nodded back.

After we were done with the small talk, Mr Saidi brought out Fatima.

To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement.

Everyone had left the room for the kitchen, leaving me and her alone.

"Your name is Haadi right?" She asks after what felt like decades.

Looking to the floor, I nodded.

Another 3 minutes passed...

"You aren't going to ask me anything?" She asks again.

"What's the point?" I ask her.

"Well the point is that we get to know eachother." She replies, annoyed.

"Forgive me but I'm not really interested in this." I respond, gesturing to the two of us.

Looking up to her for the first time she rolls her eyes.

"If you weren't interested why did you agree to come then?" She asks.

"Is this your first time doing this?" I ask back.

"" She says, looking at her hands.

"And have you ever just agreed to it so your parents could let you breathe for a second?" I ask again.

"Maybe." She sighs.

"Haadi." I hear Hala say at the door with a small wave.

Nodding, I get up to go to my sister.

"Yeah?" I ask quietly as I shut the living room door.

"What was that?" She asks, crossing her arms.

"What was what?" I ask back, confused.

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