chapter 24: siblings and seas

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Mine~> 8 months pregnant

"So you're meeting later with Mason?" Noor asks, stuffing some Doritos in her mouth.

"Yeah, Haadi's supposed to be picking me up later but I'm just nervous." I sigh, chugging on my fruit boba tea.

The craving for it has gone kind of...crazy to say the least.

"Yeah that's normal, I mean it's hard to realise that maybe your brother is alive after all this time." Hala agrees, nodding eagerly.

"Yeah." Was all I could really say.

Noor and Hala look at eachother, knowingly.

"What?" I ask, forcing a small smile.

"Do you want to cancel? It may be too soon and I can call Imaan and we can-" Noor begins to say but I stop her.

"No it's fine, honestly. There's too many things and just confusion going in my head that im trying to figure out so I just want some clarity, Noor." I tell her and she nods thoughtfully.

"If you're sure, girl." She replies with a smile.

"True I mean it's such a shock we all thought he was just a white man." Hala rambles off, taking a crisp from the packet before Noor playfully throws a pillow at her.

"Hala!" Noor says while I laugh.

"Hey you thought he was too Noori!" Hala says while rolling her eyes.

"Nah it's true we all had that assumption that was just wrong of us but there's nothing we can do about that now." I say.

"Hmm, it was I felt bad when I thought he liked me as well when he actually had a crush on Hala-" Noor slips out before slapping her mouth shut with both of her hands.

Everyone becomes silent at that point.

Mason has a crush on HALA?

I always thought it was Noor because he did invite her to one of his games.

"NOORI! YOU NEVER SAID THIS BEFORE!" Hala shouts while Noor is practically running to the bathroom.

"ITS NOT MY THING TO SPILL HALA!" Noor shouts back through the door and Hala huffs as she stands at the door to me.

"Can you believe that?" She says, shaking her head.

"Honestly, it's quite a triangle we have here." I reply, quietly so she doesn't hear. Thinking of Elias, Mason and Hala.

"Do you think you'll let me out now??" Noor asks after a few minutes.

Hala looks to me, waving her hands around as if asking me, what should she do.

I only shrug, still laughing about Noor still locking herself in the bathroom.

"Hmm lemme think about it...fine." Hala replies with a wide Cheshire smile. Quickly running behind the sofa as Noor unlocks the door.

Taking a peek at the room which Hala has officially and successfully hid in, Noor whispers but not really whispers more like quietly screaming to me, "WHERE IS SHE??"

"I dunno." I say, trying to fight a smile.

"Neha, I swear she's not gonna let this-" Noor begins to say but Hala cuts her off.

"Donkey!" She shouts, earning a screech of horror from Noor.

"Yallah! Hala, I swear the baby boy's gonna come!" Noor replies as Hala munches on what was Noors strawberries and chocolate.

The space inbetween usNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ