The Newcomer Becomes a Bond

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I step out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed after my quick morning routine. I apply deodorant, slip on my white tee, West High varsity jacket, and jeans. Grabbing my black Air Force sneakers from the rack, I head downstairs, ready for breakfast. But as I enter the kitchen, I'm greeted by an empty silence, a stark reminder that my father is still away in LA for his legal duties. No breakfast prepared.

Opening the refrigerator, I find only an apple and some almond milk, far from a satisfying meal. I quickly devour the apple and gulp down the almond milk, knowing I'll have to make do with what I have. I don't have time to waste, school awaits.

Speeding through the streets of North Oakley, my neighborhood, I feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The thrill of driving like a professional racer without a driver's license adds a hint of rebellion to my morning routine. Soon enough, I arrive at school, spotting Erick near my locker, exchanging fist bumps.

"What's up, Erick? Where's Andrew?" I inquire, curious about his whereabouts.

"Haven't seen any signs of him, man."

With a nod, I asks him "Yeah? What's your class this morning?"

"Algebra, you?"

"English," I reply, mentally noting that we'll meet during the break.

Entering the english class, disappointment washes over me as I don't spot Daphne's face among the students. Perhaps she's in a different class. I settle for a chair at the back of the room and focus on Mr. Randy's lesson. Unexpectedly, a familiar face catches my attention, the same guy I met at Bonneville Hills, Fred. He chooses a seat near me, and curiosity gets the better of him.

"You study here?" he asks, genuinely surprised to see me.

"Yeah, yo, what the fuck are you doing here? I thought you were old as fuck," I respond, equally surprised.

"Throw that shit, man. My family and I moved here from Denver a few days ago."

"Well, alright then," I reply, accepting the new reality.

Mr. Randy notices our conversation and admonishes us to be quiet. "You guys back there, what's going on?"

"Nothing, sir," I respond, refocusing on the lesson.

After hours of enduring Mr. Randy's English class, it's finally time for a snack break. Fred and I walk together through the hallways, heading towards the canteen. As we enter, we spot Andrew and Erick sitting together. Erick raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the newcomer.

"Yo, who's this big guy?" he asks, bumping his fist to greet Fred.

"Guys, it's Fred," I introduce, eager to see how they will get along.

The introductions are made, and I mention how Fred and I crossed paths in Bonneville Hills. Fred adds, "You know what? This bitch cried like a baby when I smoked him off." The four of us burst into laughter, quickly forming a bond.

After enjoying some snacks, we guide Fred to an empty locker near mine, as he hasn't been assigned one yet. After that, Andrew and Erick part ways as they head to their respective classes, leaving Fred and me to realize that we share the same class again, chemistry.

As I prepare my books from my locker, Daphne suddenly appears, catching me off guard. She offers me a box of sandwiches with a warm smile. "Hi, Kel, here's for you."

"Wow, thank you, Daph. You don't really need to do this, though," I reply, grateful for her thoughtfulness.

"Well, you need this," she insists, leaving me with a nod of appreciation. She then turns to Fred and compliments, "Your new friend's cool, by the way."

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