Party at Reggie's Pt. II

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I step out of the bathroom, feeling a mix of emotions swirling within me. I fasten my belt and zip up my pants, looking at Zoey's face, still filled with traces of our passionate encounter, I can't help but feel a twinge of guilt and confusion. Her clothes and underwear still lie on the floor, a stark reminder of our impulsive actions. Guilt and regret intertwine in my mind, as I never expected things to escalate like this with my ex.

I approach Zoey, who remains in bed, her disheveled hair and faded makeup meet my gaze, and I can't help but ask, "You good?"

Zoey responds quietly, "I'm fine."

Her fake response confuses me, as I thought this is what she wanted

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Her fake response confuses me, as I thought this is what she wanted. I sit down next to her, struggling to understand the sudden shift in her demeanor.

With curiosity, I ask, "So, do you have a boyfriend now?"

Zoey confirms, "Yeah, I'm actually with Shawn now."

Surprise fills my face as I reply, "Wow, I'm- surprised."

Zoey explains, "It just sort of happened without me even realizing it. I guess I just went with the flow of life."

I nod, silently acknowledging her words.

Sensing that my friends might be looking for me, I hastily leave the bed, telling Zoey, "I have to go."

She remains silent, and I rush downstairs to join the party that is in full swing.

The music blares and the crowd pulsates with energy as I find my friends, Erick, Nate, and Carmen, lounging on the couch along with others.

Erick quips, "Where have you been, man?"

I respond, "You know, taking some shit."

Laughter erupts from the group, momentarily lightening the weight on my shoulders.

Erick then asks, "You seen Zoey around?"

I shake my head, "Nope, no sign of her"

From a distance, I notice Zoey descending the stairs from the room we encountered, engaged in a tense conversation with her boyfriend Shawn. Shawn's body language suggests confrontation, I can't hear any of the details but It's clear that Zoey is upset. Uncertain of the situation, I head towards a table of drinks, intending to approach Zoey. However, before I can reach her, Shawn intervenes and escorts Zoey away. Zoey's pleading gaze silently looking at me pity, but I find myself immobilized, understanding that this may not be my business. I grab a glass of wine and return to my seat beside my friends, attempting to push aside the discomfort that lingers within me. As the evening progresses, we engage in a game of truth or dare.

It's my turn, and Brenda asks, "Okay, Kel, truth or dare?"

Contemplating the potential risks, I opt for truth. Brenda probes, "Have you ever cheated, Kel?"

I respond firmly, "No. I have not."

Brenda presses further, wanting to be certain, and I reiterate my response, "You sure?"

I quickly respond, "Yeah, yeah. I mean, I only been dated two girls in my life."

Erick and Nate share a chuckle at my response. Nate spins the bottle once more, bringing excitement to the group. Unfortunately, it lands on me again, leaving me with no choice but to accept a dare.

Russell grins mischievously and declares, "So, Kel, here's the dare. I want you... to... kiss... Carmen."

My immediate reaction is resistance. "What? No way."

Russell insists, "Aw, come on, that's the rule."

Carmen silently expresses her unwillingness to participate. Nate's gazing at me waiting for my action. My thoughts are still filled with what I just did with Zoey.

Feeling conflicted, I firmly state once again, "Nah, nah man, I can't do this."

Russell persists, "Haha, you have no fun at all, man."

Frustration builds within me, and I feel a surge of anger.

I stand abruptly, grab Russell's shirt and warn him, "I'll show you what's funny, man."

Russell responds with fears "Yo, chill out, man. It's just a game."

Sensing the escalation, Nate and Erick quickly intervene, separating us and restoring peace. As the atmosphere normalizes, we resume the game, though the energy feels different. I can't shake off the discomfort that lingers, and soon I find myself unable to endure it any longer.

I stand up, declaring, "You know what? Fuck this shit," and leave the room, making my way outside.

Retrieving a pack of cigarettes from my car, I return to the party and settle on the terrace with Kyle, also an old friend. I light a cigarette and pass the lighter to Kyle as we both indulge in the silence. A heaviness hangs in the air as I grapple with regret, guilt, and thoughts of Kimberly. Kyle, sitting next to me, remains silent, perhaps burdened by his own troubles. Minutes pass, and we both go through a few cigarettes, lost in our own reflections.

Eventually, Erick, Nate, and Carmen emerge from the house, standing at the front door. They call me over, and I bid Kyle goodbye, joining them as we enter my car.

The ride home is filled with an eerie silence, as no one dares to broach the subject of my condition. Nate and Carmen are dropped off at their apartment, and shortly after, I leave Erick at his house. After a brief exchange of gratitude, I find myself alone in the car, the engine purring beneath me. Without a word, I press the gas pedal, leaving behind screeching tire marks as a manifestation of my pent-up emotions. I switch off the radio, allowing the midnight air to envelop me as I speed towards Bonneville. I skips several traffic lights, the emptiness of the midnight road mirroring the solitude I feel within.

Arriving at Bonneville, I park my car beside Fred's, greeted by his playful greeting, "Sup, man. You're not racing?"

I shake my head, replying, "Nah, I'm- not in the mood."

Fred jokes, "Don't tell me losing to me left you broke."

I respond, "Haha, no, it's just... I'm not feeling it tonight."

Fred senses my solemnity, but we let the matter rest. Together, we immerse ourselves in the excitement of the race, as a blue Mustang lines up against a silver GTR at the start line, and the crowd buzzes with excitement. As the flag girl waves the flag, their engines roar to life and the tension builds. The GTR gains an early advantage, its all-wheel drive giving it the edge. The sound of their engines fades into the distance as they race away, and the spectators erupt in cheers. Amidst the crowd, I find solace, temporarily forgetting my troubles.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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