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" WHAT?! "

Dianna raised her voice when she heard what her mother said. Her twin brothers stopped her from standing up by holding her hand. She gave Devaine an angry look.

" Devaine will be attending on my stead. I have not yet fully recover therefore I wanted to rest from any crowded celebration . "

Annalia said as she continue cutting her steak.

" But Uncle Mac looks so scary... "

" He's a big guy but he bakes those cookies. If you want more, you should be the one asking it. "

Dion and Devaine's conversation can be heard on the table. Dion was eating his food while looking at his sister now and then.

With graceful fingers that holds the knife while cutting steak, Devaine was on her perfect posture, with chin up and back straight as she tells her brother about Mac, their head chef. Dion liked the choco chip cookies he made that afternoon time and wanted to ask for more tomorrow but decided to ask his sister instead.

" But Mother said you were the one who invented it. Can't you just ask him to make you more and then give me some ? "

Devaine stopped from cutting her steak as he turns her head towards her youngest sibling.

" I may be the one who invented it but Uncle Mac was the person who baked it, and you liked it. You should be a good kid and visit the kitchen yourself. And be sure to ask kindly. "

Devaine calmlu said while she look at Dion straight in the eye with a strict yet clear voice which the Duke noticed as she speaks like her mother now.

" What time can I visit then? Can't you just go with me ? "

Devaine continued cutting her steak and glanced at the boy then his food and back to him. Signaling him to continue eating which the latter then followed.

Annalia glanced at her youngest child beside her whom is eating his food peacefully while looking at his sister now and then.

" You can visit anytime. Now enough talk and finish you food. "

Dion pouted as he ate his last two piece of meat and munch on them enthusiastically. He can already see his sister's servants holding his favorite drink from the side waiting for him to finish eating before they give it to him.

As Devaine saw Dion finish his food, he raise her hand slightly and the kitchen servants nodded as they walk towards her side.

" An Oolong tea for me. "

Annalia said without taking her eyes off her food. She heard the clicks of the tea pot and tea cup and knew what was being serve.

The maids didn't even flinched and continue to pour Chamomile tea on her tea cup before giving it to her which made the Duchess frown. She was about to scold Lena, who serve her tea when she saw her daughter giving her an intense side eye.

" Right. A Chamomile tea is good too. "

The Duchess said as she started to drink her tea which made the kitchen servants giggle. They know exactly why the Duchess could not scold Lena. Those bloody eyes were creeply staring at her on the side.

" Here's your Milk Tea young master. Two cubes of sugar just like you wanted. "

Daphne said as she gave Dion his requested drink.

" Thank you. "

Daphne blushed as she never heard the youngest master saying thanks to something. Though she quickly compose herself when she saw Devaine nods.

The Duke, amused by the scene was watching the 3 people on the side, two were drinking eagerly and one was gracefully cutting her meat. He was force to look away though, as he saw those bloody red eyes look up and directly to him with intense glare.

" How could you look at Father like that . How disrespectful. "

The Duke said as he continue to eat.

Devaine slowly put down her utensils and wiped her mouth. She was done.

" Why would I be respectful to you? Do I owe you something? "

Dianna and the twin could not believe what Devaine said as they cpuld never dare to talk like that to the Duke.

The Duke, angry, slams his fork on the table as he look at Devaine. The girl did not flinch as move her chin up. Looking at the Duke in full confidence.

" Of course you owe me. I AM YOU FATHER. "

The servants knew the Duke was mad yet they also know the second lady is brave, or should they say violent.

" Oh are you? What bad luck. I thought you only had a blue eyed daughter. Now that's surprising. "

Sarcastic tone yet you could still feel the anger on it.

" What do you mean?! Are you jealous that your sister are more favored than you ?! That's only natural when she is more deserving! "

Devaine squinted her eyes a little and smirked. All the people in there knew that look. That is when she was about to do something bad.

" Jealous? Oh no I was over with that topic years ago. I just want to tell you to stop being so shameless and act like I should treat you like my father when you aren't acting like one. "

The Duke could not refute. He knew he was being biased and he knew he never even know anything about this kid who was talking at him like he was a stranger.

" Don't you ever ever, ever say that word again. Just continue acting like how you did all these years and let me live MY LIFE like how you wanted me to. "

The voice was full of remorse. With tone and pauses that made every little word weighed more.

" You had your chance yet you never tried and now you act like I should treat you with respect? I will never respect someone who doesn't deserve it nor do I want to be on your good side. I mean, I never was. So put all your attention on your DAUGHTER and let me be. "

Devaine stood up and walked towards the door. Lena and Daphne, together with the other kitchen servants bowed at the other people on the table before rushing to follow Devaine.

The air was cold. And the atmosphere was heavy. All the people in that dining hall heard the second lady speak like that for the first time, speaking for herself. And they never expected how heavy those words were until they heard it.

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